The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23380 - August 29, 2006

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Clues Answers
A cutting is not an unusual piece SONATINA
Air propeller company in Italy employed BARCAROLE
Cape and blue drawers lifted in dance CSARDAS
Conflict scene rather overwhelming small boy NASEBY
Country dacha - it isn't central HAITI
Do true spies leave the merest trace? SOCIAL
Dramatist's home visited by killer in Ayrshire IBSEN
Elderly relative I evicted from widow's place NAN
Every other piece from jazz to disco is lifeless AZOIC
Excellent run blocked by header from deft keeper? FINDER
Exchange year put at stake? MARTYR
Flagged badly near bend BANNERED
Girl on short tour of duty catches colds REBECCA
Guerrilla swapping sides once could be this IRREGULAR
Half chance that a girl drinks port AJACCIO
In South Dakota, horse boxes new and shiny SEQUINNED
Clues Answers
Lift from bed CRIB
Looking up, shoot rabbit GAB
Member of House giving sanctimonious answer held in contempt SCORPIAN
Military supremo visiting country, on leaving city CINCINNATI
Must function soon, without question SINEQUANON
Order not to touch the vegetables CARNIVORA
PC to land small plane MICROLIGHT
Poem with cracking line that's quoted in secrecy? CODEWORD
Reason knight, say, could make Lord's tender GROUNDSMAN
Singular way to greet brave display SHOW
Swear with a very pained expression AVOW
This nearly all gets away, somehow WASTAGE
Thorn's first to be in red, red rose TOWERED
Weightless? Impossible NOTON
Youngster returning rounds caught by detective DICK