The Times - Cryptic - Times Jumbo 656 - August 26, 2006

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Clues Answers
'Royal enemy virtually beaten' her daughter said outwardly? QUEENMOTHER
A posh band on top ALSO
Antipodean exclamation is reality, loosely speaking STREWTH
Argument leads to encounter RUNINTO
Arrange to have drink spiked? SETOUT
Attack relation, not entirely male STORM
Backing party line, PM gets on with old US president WOODROWWILSON
Beelzebub, keeping popular, tempted apostle SAINTANDREW
Bird snatches at a rook which is visible in the night sky GREATBEAR
Blanket with article wrapped in too OVERLAY
Boy not quite holding back theory about complaints concerning him? PAEDIATRIC
Brave, big time! OSAGE
Bulb shining, then electric current working ONION
Can be made to appear impressive with heart ripped out FORMABLE
Considerable class in factions INSECTS
Currency, for instance, key for computer in bank LEGALTENDER
Dispersal of ricin isn't essential INTRINSIC
Dissenters a chip off the old block? SPLINTERGROUP
Don Juan got more experienced having bedded nation WOMANISER
Dwarf from whom Dickens character has an escape PIPSQUEAK
Edge of the stockbroker belt KERB
English succeeded in slowing down the second test? RESIT
Entering Rhyl, draw nicely up to the centre INWARDLY
European Union's starter the French offered in cafe, unfortunately not much to eat LETTUCELEAF
Fast food has one panting? HOTDOG
Festival holds purpose for Cockney EASTENDER
Following pressure to go off, row ensues PADDLE
Fruit women later cultivated WATERMELON
Furniture item the same if top were bottom, upside down DRESSER
Further plan to accommodate northern standard REDENSIGN
Clues Answers
Getting into it, traveller's after good book one's reserved INTROVERT
Hard worker overcomes drug trap TROJANHORSE
Job etc following sanctuary for vagrant HAVENOT
Lacking in energy, ask to be given shock APPAL
Like sixteen popes, good man follows another when retired GREGORIAN
Married twins written into each novel EMMA
Move on, as art doesn't make sense STANDTOREASON
Newspaper tycoon's written about daughter, though on reflection, recklessly HEADFIRST
Old broadcaster needs no introduction, still IRELESS
On an organ, more than one note's held PLEURAL
One budgeting to enjoy using phone? SAVER
Plaque showing war dead, record inscribed NAMEPLATE
Precious commodity disposed of, top bid accepted SOLIDGOLD
Pretentious fool's beginning to split leaderless coalition? ARTYFARTY
Responsibility is ours ONUS
Rope as weapon cut off oxygen LASSO
Seeking fun, chaps go to the fair GENTLEMENPREFERBLONDES
Sophisticates cooing madly, having accepted bouquet COGNOSCENTI
Source of innuendos giving rise to stitch in side MAEWEST
Surpass picnic? OUTDO
Take ship to be missing one flag - 8's? SALTIRE
Thrilling to be involved in native American success LITTLEBIGHORN
Tom has set about computer user's affliction in purging process CATHARSIS
Travel from the East is absorbing to journalist EDITOR
Under new leader, African capital, large but not grand, is a different place NAIROBI
USA old, true? False - untrue ADULTEROUS
Used to support worker SECONDHAND
Weapon resembling one thrown around say in South Africa ASSEGAI
Why silver birches don't exist? (5,6,4,2,5) MONEYDOESNTGROWONTREES
You died without providing cover, large sum? THOUSANDS