The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23278 - May 2, 2006

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Clues Answers
A wake-up call for Tommy REVEILLE
A windy month sometimes causing damage MAR
After college, turned on loud music TECHNO
Assorted sugar lumps put in round dish GLAMOURPUSS
Clear the list of passengers for customs MANIFEST
Creature found in Antigua, naturally IGUANA
English party has to make speech very detailed ELABORATE
Even in cooler, getting turn to dance FANDANGO
Excite curiosity among everyone else except husband INTEREST
Factions surrounding front of union buildings in Nottingham, say CAMPUS
Female was company director and leader, once FRANCO
Headdress, not wide at the top: wacky but effective IMPLEMENTAL
In Bethel, they go crazy about start of revivalist hymn THINEBETHEGLORY
Keep wild dog PEKE
Like taking part in gym lesson and history PAST
Clues Answers
Note something for carrying bricks up DOH
Pole at boxing venue, practising for the fight SPARRING
Preparation a help, some say, when applied to receding hair? POMADE
Setback for man, old low-paid worker finally expelled from Croatia? YUGOSLAV
She produced sculptures with it, at a price HEPWORTH
Short magazine article about new cartoon genre MANGA
Stone found at entrance to a garden? AGATE
Striker, perhaps, put through hell by worker DISPUTANT
Such language from the terraces getting one down a bit? PATOIS
Trip at the public's expense I've understood is standard JOLLYROGER
Trip to the theatre, perhaps, is becoming regular EVENINGOUT
Unattractive woman's first to hide bottom RUMP
Wind blowing up later? Yes EASTERLY
With cross, honours a war hero AJAX