The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 23239 - March 17, 2006

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Clues Answers
A weaver bird's head buried in flower ABLOOM
Adam and Eve left half of their home amid criticism CREDIT
Article penned in part of Western alphabet? Not when using this! KANJI
Benefit from willing player chasing others, following slow mover that's not caught INHERIT
Big centre for rifles, manufactured with external butt ENFIELD
Black souls undermine white witches' hearts of gold AURIC
Change location for traveller fidgeting at Rio REPAIRTO
Cheese that's nothing short of chemically oily, fatty compound LEICESTER
Cold chop that is softest on the outside may yet be this? CHEWIEST
Cut twenty twinkling in boring part BISECT
Decoration of embattled leader making U-turn? EARRING
Decorative stitching titivated hardy denim robe HANDEMBROIDERY
Dishevelled, his attire endlessly left ... this showing? SHIRTTAIL
Geniuses taking time among German ones EINSTEINS
Girl contributing to panic at her inanity? CATHERINA
Clues Answers
Hebrew book recalled Noah's son bearing (as an example) misfortune MEGILLAH
Indicates south instead of north in Scottish mountain tops BESPEAKS
Make unbending street as long as Slough? STIFFEN
Man after a kiss accepted proposition AXIOM
Mostly dull interior to very glossy fruit TOMATO
Old applications for investment in capital protection tended to property HOUSESAT
One takes stock of various concerns detaining guests HOLDINGCOMPANY
Periodical frost certainly reduced by electronic sensor MAGICEYE
Pwologue of more than one piece? INTWO
Shoot dealer in 'old-ups etc OSIER
Spicy dish sent back, one with no bone BIRYANI
Spirit suppressing one's fury WRATH
Talented septets write garland in notebooks PLEIADS
Was obsequious goodbye (not so long) interrupting solitariness? TOADIED
With five ejected, prevent anger mounting in the country ERITREA