New York Times - Nov 7 2006

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Clues Answers
'Metamorphoses' author OVID
'___ Doubtfire' MRS
Actor Christopher REEVE
Actress Uta HAGEN
Apple variety IMAC
Beatnik's 'Gotcha' IDIG
Blue state BAWDINESS
Blue state ROYALTY
Butterfly catcher NET
Campfire remains ASHES
Certain turns LEFTS
Chicago-based food giant SARALEE
Clinton's number two GORE
Corp. top dog CEO
Daddy-o POPS
Daytime TV staple GAMESHOW
Dickens's Heep URIAH
District AREA
Divider in the House of Representatives AISLE
Docile MEEK
Dropped, as in the polls SLID
Effect of yeast on dough RISE
Election Day freebies from party workers RIDES
Elegant shade trees ELMS
Eligible, as to vote OFAGE
Fannie ___ MAE
Former Saudi king FAISAL
French head TETE
French wine region RHONE
Frequently OFTEN
Gluttons PIGS
Having separate glass segments PANED
Hindu princess RANI
Home of the N.C.A.A. Spartans MSU
Hon, in Hampshire LUV
Intentionally vague statement HEDGE
It might be found, appropriately, in a newspaper morgue OBIT
Kind of alert SMOG
Clues Answers
Little beauty GEM
Lose support, as at campaign's end FADE
Nasty vipers ASPS
Nifty bridge play FINESSE
Nonclerical LAIC
One who needs to be rubbed out? GENIE
Part of CBS: Abbr. SYST
Part of the country where polls close later WEST
Pool sites SPAS
Prefix with friendly ECO
Press, as to vote URGE
Put up ERECT
Quick refresher NAP
Rappers and poets, say RHYMERS
Red state OUTRAGE
Rob Roy and kin SCOTSMEN
Shooting game SKEET
Small bra part ACUP
Smeltery input IRONORE
South-of-the-border order TACO
Speed PACE
Start of something big? MEGA
Successor HEIR
Swimmers may do them LAPS
Taj Mahal site AGRA
Tennis's Monica SELES
The dark side EVIL
Throw with great effort HEAVE
Till compartment ONES
Timid SHY
Twerp TWIT
Uncle ___ SAM
Unfairly outnumbers, with 'on' GANGSUP
What an ogler gives THEEYE
Where the river meets the sea DELTA
___ Taylor, the Tool Man, on 'Home Improvement' TIM