The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 4139 - September 18, 2005

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Clues Answers
A lawyer holds info on things to discuss AGENDA
A purest sort of chemist PASTEUR
Address of a church? SERMON
Aims to turn red MAOIST
Banner put right in ship STREAMER
Clues like this make leading Anglican angry ACROSS
College has poem after all UNIVERSE
Cook vicar a posh meal CAVIAR
Deeply moved in a pretentious way AFFECTED
First sailor leaving concerned with Australian ORIGINAL
Girl in a briny marsh SALINA
Graduate with quartz church BASILICA
Having respect and always in charge REVERENT
Hunter of 'Teardrop Explode' PREDATOR
It can be played about the office? That's right! CLAVIER
Clues Answers
It's a thin slice but a good deal, maybe VENEER
Live on own and conduct oneself well BEHAVE
Made mud at furnace pots MANUFACTURED
Muslim's open land MOOR
Name a perfume coming into existence NASCENT
One might make a Persian gag? HAIRBALL
Permanently pro-benefit FORGOOD
Prisoner takes time with short banker to plan CONTRIVE
Put up with bricks and mortar ERECTED
Shocked by silver headwear about Susie's head AGHAST
Take a starter put out before this? STEAKTARTARE
Taxi I catch for some senior politicians CABINET
Touches headless fish EELS
Weakness if being upset by nasty bile FOIBLE
When in continent doctor's right to love delicious food AMBROSIA