New York Times - Nov 5 2006

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Clues Answers
'Go away!' LETMEBE
'The Exorcist' actor, with 'von' SYDOW
'The Sound of Music' name TRAPP
'The Thin Man' pooch ASTA
'Way to go!' ATTABOY
1956 trouble spot SUEZ
7, on modern phones PQRS
:-)  :-)  :-) SMILEYS
A portion SOME
Abdominal pouches MARSUPIA
Actress Martin, star of TV's 'National Velvet' LORI
Address SPEECH
Adds to the pot, say RAISES
Airline rarity, increasingly MEAL
Alternatively ELSE
Alternatives PLANBS
Answer to the riddle 'The higher it goes, the less you hear it' AJET
Attending to the matter ONIT
Average guys JOES
Beauty queen's wear SASH
Big name in auto racing UNSER
Big name in faucets MOEN
Bit of beachwear SANDAL
Blue shade SKY
Body ___ language ENGLISH
Bola user GAUCHO
Bond rating AAA
Bone connector LIGAMENT
Buck ___ eye PRIVATE
Chianti containers CARAFES
Civvies MUFTI
Comprehend GET
Computer file suffix EXE
Contents of some patches PAWPAWS
Cornerstone abbr. ESTD
Darns SEWS
Deception FLAM
Defeater of R.M.N. JFK
Desire ITCH
Dollar, slangily CLAM
Double ___ play CROSSWORD
Down's opposite: Abbr. ACR
Each PER
Early third-century year CCI
Engine part CAM
Exhausted SHOT
F.B.I. facility LAB
Fab Four name STARR
Fails to DOESNT
Fanatical RABID
Fit for consumption EATABLE
Fleet of ships ARGOSY
Follow relentlessly DOG
Fooling (around) MESSING
Former CBS military show JAG
Former defense secretary Aspin LES
Former Patriots QB Steve GROGAN
Furniture wood TEAK
Gas station abbr. REG
German canal name KIEL
Goal for a D.H. RBI
Had a lame-duck session, say REMET
Hammarskjöld of the U.N. DAG
Harmony SYNC
Head's opposite TOE
Heavenly hunter ORION
High school class GYM
Himalayan sighting YETI
Hindu titles SRIS
Hunting canine SALUKI
Hush-hush govt. org. NSA
In a tangle SNARLED
Intermittently, after 'off' ANDON
It's the law ACT
It's tied up in knots MACRAME
Kind of acid NITRIC
Kind of tide NEAP
Latin 'behold!' ECCE
Clues Answers
Latin twinklers ASTRA
Leandro's love, in a Mancinelli opera ERO
Lentil or bean LEGUME
Letters at sea USS
Lightheaded people? BLONDES
Like 9 or 5 ODD
Like many benefit tournaments PROAM
Like the 1915 San Francisco Mint $50 gold coin OCTAGONAL
Loop loopers ELS
MGM motto opener ARS
Mideast bigwig EMIR
Monocle part LENS
Mountain nymph OREAD
Moved to and fro WIGWAGGED
Muse of mimicry ERATO
Must have NEED
N.L. East team, on scoreboards ATL
New ___ Latin GUINEAPIG
Noblewoman PEERESS
Norwegian playwright IBSEN
Nut in mixed nuts CASHEW
Ole Miss rival BAMA
One given 'unto us,' in Isaiah ASON
One who suspends an action, at law ABATOR
Only: Fr. SEUL
Open, in a way UNCAP
Part missing from a vest ARM
Part of L.A. LOS
Perfectly, after 'to' ATEE
Petitioner SEEKER
Poet laureate before Southey PYE
Postgrad degs. MAS
Printemps, par exemple SAISON
Progress STRIDES
Pub offerings ALES
Relatives of AND's and OR's in Boolean logic NOTS
Render speechless STUN
Rep.'s opposite DEM
Reproducing without fertilization AGAMIC
Seconds MORE
Setting for part of 'King Henry VI, Part 2' KENT
Shock JOLT
Show a deficit OWE
Sign of love … or rejection SMACK
Singer Mann AIMEE
Skater Slutskaya IRINA
Small spray SPRIG
Soap format SERIAL
Some E.M.S. cases ODS
Something carbon monoxide lacks ODOR
Spur (on) URGE
Spur (on) EGG
Start of many Québec place names STE
Streamlined SLEEK
Suffix with Congo LESE
Sun. talks SERS
Sundae topper CHERRY
Support ABET
Take into custody CUFF
Tape, say MEND
Thickening agent AGAR
Time long past YORE
Too, in Toulouse AUSSI
Tractor powerer, maybe ETHANOL
Trivial Pursuit edition GENUS
Tropical fruits GUAVAS
Turndowns NOS
U-shaped river bend OXBOW
U.S. 1, for one: Abbr. RTE
Ultrapatriot JINGO
University in Greenville, S.C. FURMAN
Urban renewal target GHETTO
Varig destination RIO
Weeping daughter of Tantalus NIOBE
Whacks CHOPS
When repeated, a top five hit of 1968 or 1987 MONY
Where streets meet: Abbr. COR
Whirlpools EDDIES
With respect to hearing AURALLY
Words after 'put an' or 'see no' ENDTO