The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 22859 - December 29, 2004

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Clues Answers
Aggression between Leeds and London? It doesn't exist MIRAGE
Big hitter has the upper hand with heroin in prison SLEDGEHAMMER
Bring back engineers - basement missing from county court RESURRECT
Business person uses revolutionary method in retirement TRADER
Church where the fat brought up to support California CATHEDRAL
Clothes not to be seen, or heard! UNMENTIONABLES
Current trend is not ordering tempuras UPSTREAM
Dull system of transferring money returns in place of weapon SCABBARD
Fish heading from rock HAKE
Foolishness is sweet FUDGE
How guy's body made for pompous guy STUFFEDSHIRT
It can, it could be, it's evil! SATANIC
Masseur's fetish? RUBBER
Milked tax haven? JERSEY
Clues Answers
Millennium building for example visited by a few hundred - disastrous time DOMESDAY
Model thinks, having no name, fame temporary MAKESHIFT
Mouse is reversing slow computing TIMID
Policeman invests pound in case PLOD
Register next door to Mansion House? LODGE
Seven points with nothing pocketed, rubbish NONSENSE
Short irregular line, irregularly irregular! GUERRILLA
Single colour seen in month - June or July? MIDYEAR
Spiteful woman admitting problem is gossip CHITCHAT
Step into wise, modern era SPACEAGE
Time barely noticeable? MINUTE
Underlined spam to be dealt with - don't give up hope NILDESPERANDUM
Unrefined place to keep unrefined stuff, the floor STOREY
Wood, a chunk mounted BALSA