The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 22777 - September 23, 2004

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Clues Answers
A hostile international competition 'urts people ARMSRACE
Answer phone to accept university course on a type of singing ACAPPELLA
Cartoonist inclined to be crude LOWMINDED
Country chap banishing English army MALTA
Daughter leaves English town for American county ARLINGTON
Deft clue I concocted, leading folk astray? DECEITFUL
Employer suffering setback left gutted as a consequence RESULT
Excellent toboggan given through passage AISLED
Excess population? Perhaps maidens should have contraceptive OVERSPILL
Firm politician is in foreign capital, meeting resistance as negotiator COMPROMISER
Floral decoration some female introduced LEI
Flowering plant goes brown before end of July TANSY
Frank married worker somewhere in the Middle East MANTOMAN
Gained a little cash in Korea WON
Great entrance - it may be conjured up by playwright TERENCERATTIGAN
Clues Answers
Greed shown by little man leading a business community EDACITY
Huge animal? Fellow stood shaking inside MASTODON
Instrument not making any sound just about fixed MUSETTE
Joined by this relation, Jack would become cheerful AUNTY
Murderer has buried king in mound CAIRN
Nightingale in a foreign city FLORENCE
Old woman gives smile entertaining lord BELDAM
Participant in service holding part of Bible up during spiritual INTONER
Plan is silly - there's little right in it DRAFT
Rest can get disturbed: what half-conscious people experience? TRANCES
Room or place in which minute may be taken up LEEWAY
Science students should always find it attractive PERMANENTMAGNET
Sprinkling sugar in demo, enjoy lots of good food GOURMANDISE
Usher in passage around start of marriage ADMIT
Where there may be a requirement for prior expertise, working inside MONASTERY