Universal - Oct 14 2006

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Clues Answers
''The First Noel,'' for one CAROL
1040, for example FORM
2004 film biography RAY
American Elk WAPITI
Atmospheres surrounding persons AURAS
Attila, for one HUN
Bit of a tiff SPAT
Bully, e.g. MEANIE
Carries a mortgage, e.g. OWES
Chaney of the silver screen LON
Charles de ___ International Airport GAULLE
Columnist Dave BARRY
Conceited couple? VANITYPAIR
Contradict DENY
Contradict BELIE
Crop up ARISE
Deepest, as thoughts or feelings INMOST
Delivers a valedictory, e.g. ORATES
Didn't go hungry ATE
Do slaloms, e.g. SKI
Egyptian statesman SADAT
Eight bits, typically BYTE
Europe's largest active volcano ETNA
False god BAAL
Far partner AWAY
February birthstone AMETHYST
Fiber used for caulking wooden ships OAKUM
Figure skater Cohen SASHA
Florida tribe SEMINOLE
Football stat YARDAGE
Formalwear, informally TUX
Friday portrayer WEBB
Game featuring six suspects and six weapons CLUE
Gets on one's nerves IRKS
Gross of ''Ellen'' ARYE
Hardy heroine TESS
Hebrew name for God YAHWEH
Hubbub ADO
Clues Answers
Instrument for weighing SCALE
Internet journal BLOG
L.A. district in the San Fernando Valley ENCINO
Lennon's lady ONO
Lie next to ABUT
Light bulb's place SOCKET
Lodging house INN
Miracle alternative fuel? AMAZINGPEAT
Office peace maker? PAXMACHINE
Once Broadway's longest-running show CATS
One may be applied to salaries CAP
One of Fred's dancing partner ADELE
Path to matrimony? AISLE
Pitcher's objective OUTS
Played the horn TOOTED
Prayer book MISSAL
Put points on the board SCORE
Rams' mates EWES
Rank partner FILE
Regions AREAS
Renowned NOTED
S, M or L, e.g. SIZE
Salad vegetable CRESS
Shivering spell AGUE
Show of wealth RITZ
Some museum sculptures TORSOS
Sounds of delight AAHS
Thoroughly reorganized REVAMPED
Turkish title AGA
Type of profit NET
Type of show AUTO
Unabridged ENTIRE
Variety show host Ed SULLIVAN
What gives a pose poise? ANI
Where pints are poured TAVERN
WJM's Baxter TED