The Times - Specialist - Times Literary Supplement 541 - February 13, 2004

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Clues Answers
'And as an ev'ning dragon came, / Assailant on the perched -' (Milton) ROOSTS
'Those that beget tales, tempests, and such-like -' (Ben Jonson) DROLLERIES
A mountain of university plays PARNASSUS
All in report of Plato talking TOTAL
All-American boy swore at my changed characters TOMSAWYER
Ancient codifier of law as Beckett's blind man at old city (a bit short) HAMMURABI
Capital ring given by impulsive Veronese teenager ROMEO
Cartoon knave of Ian Rankin? STRIP
Cleopatra's final solution, like afterthought ASPS
Compton Mackenzie had it on the brain WATER
Concoct ethereal concert, including singing group OCTET
Destroyers launched by Stevenson and Bellow WREOKERS
Everyone, for example, seeing Tarka coming back rather quickly ALLEGRETTO
Examination accompanied by convulsions in Elkin's short fiction SEARCHES
Formal start of declaration by American writer to English expatriate one ISHERWOOD
Forster recorded her delight DAME
Clues Answers
French herald gets pleasure following horse MOUNTJOY
Jean starts Rochester's history, yet stops RHYS
Laureate from London district near Whitechapel SHADWELL
Lillian Hellman had time for him SCOUNDREL
Malraux's novel way ROYAL
Novelist offering lasting affection in 1997 MOEWAN
O Absalom! (you should have heeded his counsel) AHITHOPHEL
Opening offered by Dan Jacobson TRAP
Perspective elevation (mostly a matter of spelling) ORTHOGRAPH
Pilgrim's garment could be mohair, nothing less IHRAM
Police officer gets a burden from Peter Carey? INSPECTOR
Rock shows, namely, all unknown climbers SCYLLA
Shakespeare's doll TEARSHEET
Stendhal's Julien is a bit of a sore loser SOREL
The trance possibly produced by ballerina's move ENTRECHAT
Weapons associated with roses by Joseph Hergesheimer SWORDS