The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise 817 - November 9, 2003

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Clues Answers
Acerbic ACID
Ancient Greek stringed instrument LYRE
Aubergine EGGPLANT
Auspicious ORACULAR
Confute REBUT
Cry of a rook CAW
Decapitates BEHEADS
Demeanour GUISE
Displeasure IRE
Field of vision SIGHT
Focus of attention CYNOSURE
Hypersensitive ALLERGIC
Influence SWAY
Clues Answers
Kind of early film projector BIOSCOPE
Leafy shelter BOWER
Liveliness BRIO
One thousand years CHILEAD
Piquancy TANG
Playthings TOYS
Procrastinate DELAY
Progress HEADWAY
Recess NICHE
Relating to normal healthy functioning PHYSIOLOGICAL
Surmise GUESS
Unwilted CRISP