- Sep 12 2006

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Clues Answers
''My country, 'tis of __'' THEE
Absorbs, with ''up'' SOPS
All kidding __ ASIDE
Allege CLAIM
Alps, for example: Abbr. MTS
Ancient fable teller AESOP
Be hospitable to ASKIN
Beauty-parlor concern HAIR
Carbonated drink COLA
Cincinnati resident OHIOAN
CNN founder Ted TURNER
Considering everything INALL
Consumer USER
Curriculum portion UNIT
Deceitful ones LIARS
Desert stopovers OASES
Doe's children FAWNS
Dresser-drawer handle KNOB
Entrap SNARE
Extend, as a subscription RENEW
Gullible NAIVE
Hang ten on a board SURF
Hardens, as cement SETS
Hollywood headliner STAR
Honolulu's island OAHU
Impolite glance LEER
Invalidates VOIDS
Is partial to FAVORS
Is skeptical about DOUBTS
Kitchen strainer SIEVE
Letters on postage stamps USA
Liable (to) PRONE
Lose fur SHED
Many PTA members MOMS
Military term of address SIR
Money in France EURO
More than enough AMPLE
Mover's vehicle VAN
Clues Answers
Moves on wheels ROLLS
Mystical glow AURA
Neighbor of Nevada UTAH
Neither good nor bad SOSO
Oak seed ACORN
One who weeps CRYER
Opera solo ARIA
Opposite of fem. MASC
Outpost with tents CAMP
Owns HAS
Pantry invaders ANTS
Pants measurement INSEAM
Part of the eye IRIS
Polka __ (fabric pattern) DOTS
Postpones, with ''off'' PUTS
Predominant MAIN
Regarding ASTO
Remove the rind from PARE
Rifles through RANSACKS
Sandwich filler TUNASALAD
Sandwich filler ROASTBEEF
Short skirts MINIS
Show agreement silently NOD
Small dollops DABS
Small glass tubes VIALS
Sound of a sneeze ACHOO
Sounded like a lion ROARED
Sugar amts. TSPS
The __ Ranger (Tonto's pal) LONE
Tin or titanium METAL
Track-meet participant RUNNER
Turn to liquid MELT
Very much ALOT
VIPs' autos LIMOS
Whole bunch SLEW
World traveler's document PASSPORT
Ye __ Shoppe OLDE