The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 3941 - December 2, 2001

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Clues Answers
A don can change - and a crawler ANACONDA
A flighty creature's usual nonsense PARROT
A little Scot, terribly bad-tempered little beast OTTER
At fifty caper in the sea ATLANTIC
Churchman backing up mere slapdash painter VERMEER
Denouncing the mother country DAMNATION
Exercise hard. Note little cash is required PESETA
Feature about heartless lad concerned with 22 CHILDREN
Fed-up - at the last minute let down DEFLATE
He'll get a professional medico PROCURER
In this locality conservationists appear essential INHERENT
Making a move about the old king's wood ASHGROVE
Men get so excited finding something of great value GEMSTONE
Preparation of main French feast representing liberation AFFRANCHISEMENT
Clues Answers
Put out - is to go to court ISSUE
Scared? That's awful! FEARFUL
Slick winger, a model PATTERN
Social gathering for those who have come down APRESSKI
Stick by the river, being a stout fellow FALSTAFF
Strain's made the salesman turn firm recently PERCOLATE
Suspend the procession STRING
Taking a slug in a flash BULLETIN
The average hour allowed as an interval MEANTIME
The dog's a bounder! SPRINGER
The Spanish work the editor ran off ELOPED
Trained revolutionary carrying a listening device REARED
Typical of a woman trainee NORMAL