The Times - Cryptic - Times Jumbo 371 - November 3, 2001

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Clues Answers
Alights from vessel overrun by young girls DEBARKS
Authorities are holding coin - rupees ARBITERS
Berated, being wet - douche misused CHEWEDOUT
Boycott meal - it's made from fermented leaves BLACKTEA
Carelessly rip casual holes in whales SPIRACULA
Caught veteran soldier exhibiting sign of fear COLDSWEAT
Clergyman - having made no investments, he has no specific responsibility MINISTERWITHOUTPORTFOLIO
Comic resort MORECAMBE
Continue scrap to the bitter end LASTDITCH
Continued over Italian bridge, losing one singer CONTRALTO
Cycling in, is desperate to ban cars PEDESTRIANISE
Deflated, fell upon glue CUTDOWNTOSIZE
Delay interrupting student's instruction TUTELAGE
Device I can, after adaptation, put in fruit APPLIANCE
Eight people, and others, put in to lift OCTET
Estimation of good contained in vegetable OPINION
False arguments in Shah's handwriting SOPHISMS
Fools, going about in denial, succeeded in finding points of difference CONTRADISTINCTIONS
Girls upset about one likely to be dealing with sitting SESSIONAL
Gnomes appearing in book PROVERBS
Greek character featured in Times, possibly in bad odour MEPHITIS
Heavenly body buffoon regularly names to start with UNIDENTIFIEDFLYINGOBJECT
In Kensington repository, men miscue, cues get broken SCIENCEMUSEUM
In the wrong order, lists main form of government STALINISM
Indicate gold to a lady from Italy SIGNORA
Introduce corporal punishment for victims, and cause a flutter in the dovecot (3,3,3,5,3,7) PUTTHECATAMONGTHEPIGEONS
It tries to improve health - this could be said of the pill FIELDHOSPITAL
Jack enters French school, first in line for green certificate ECOLABEL
Knitting that's twisted about in case dog comes round CABLESTITCH
Lights on these hit by old big cats going round hunters' position LAMPSTANDARDS
Line attached to balloon by youth leader, getting to work with energy GUIDEROPE
Long stories about half the outbreaks of disease EPIDEMICS
Melting in the sun, a West African source of butter SHEANUT
Middle eastern PM hasn't died ISRAELI
Clues Answers
Mistrusts the way mushrooms get us upset SUSPECTS
More aloof outside the Channel Islands - that's right ICIER
Most elegant model - Ed's sister DRESSIEST
Multiply by three, divide by a thousand - and shudder TREMBLE
Muscles displayed by 'ero when among friends PECTORALS
News agency covers stone with inscription that's vulgar TASTELESS
No particular night in Paris brought in guaranteed payment ANNUITY
Officials applying fine ointment to ram FUNCTIONARIES
One who mediates in secret going over to leaders of some obscure regimes INTERCESSOR
P-prudent, l-loony - pecuniarily lax (5,4,3,5,7) PENNYWISEANDPOUNDFOOLISH
Perfecto, perhaps, found in London THEBIGSMOKE
Real force required to build this coastal defence? CORALREEF
Remove the hair of French procurator DEPILATE
Row inspired by small hole in curtain over door PORTIERE
Sensible about way I fish SARDINE
She introduces people to warm lover TOASTMISTRESS
Skins require deaths - that's about right DERMISES
Some veto questions, affording protection for the head TOQUE
Source of income - jewel - one found by Stanley LIVINGSTONE
Starts on nearly all espionage virtually operating in dark, like a mole NAEVOID
Ted could be a candidate for community home JUVENILEDELINQUENT
Title of the French game DUCHESS
To some extent, within her it ancestrally appears INHERITANCE
Took care of appearance at first, ever more simple LOOKEDAFTER
Train one to work as an aromatherapist? ANOINTER
Vulnerable person - Aunt Sally, perhaps SITTINGTARGET
Wandering in Munich, one mongoose ICHNEUMON
Well-known saw NOTED
Wellington's response to blackmail - punished band blamed for wrongdoing PUBLISHANDBEDAMNED
Where an island is involved, refusing to go on dividing the country BALKANISING
Where Hilliard excelled, on a small scale INMINIATURE
With damaged border, I had practically to work non-stop - work into the small hours BURNTHEMIDNIGHTOIL
With game over, father's boarding vessel - that's better! SURPASS
Yes, soldier landed safely inside, demonstrating nimbleness AGILITY