The Times - Cryptic - Sunday Times Cryptic 3920 - July 8, 2001

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Clues Answers
A blunder - a big one - made in college honours exam TRIPOS
Admitted a strong desire AGREED
Battle for lodgings arising around the border SEDGEMOOR
Boy turned up this time with a nymph NAIAD
Cheeky fellow - the sailor's embracing a primate JACKANAPES
Cold, boy? I'd turn back - no good putting one coat on top of another CLADDING
Dodgy cad's ruse for obtaining old vehicles USEDCARS
Everything covered in blood, in the East? It's symbolic ALLEGORY
Fits of laughter? CONVULSIONS
Frame of mind a painting technique produced TEMPERA
Goat by bluff KID
He misbehaved on the way back? DENNIS
Hope to speak and get it off one's chest ? EXPECTORATE
I lapsed disgracefully, with love included at intervals, as a digression EPISODAL
Clues Answers
Nearby workers group includes small boy BESIDE
Novel style of the old scientist NEWTON
Offer to put back first ash inside, then all the others? REAFFOREST
Offers professional situations PROPOSITIONS
Pithy to digest BRIEF
Public school teacher put out about hours worked CHARTERHOUSE
Shopkeeper burst into tears STATIONER
Such patronage wrongly gives me points NEPOTISM
Sunday school air STRAIN
The person with willpower EXECUTOR
Times leader on swineherds - it imparts colour PIGMENT
Turn-coat old statesman CATO
Used in scullery OAR
Willing to head for church, but not regularly ONCE