The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 21769 - July 2, 2001

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Clues Answers
Advanced just after conflict finally ended ONWARD
Article on cutting patterned cloth TARTAN
Beginning to shoot ducks in river, truly FORSOOTH
Cell in which Poles keep Continental currency NEURON
Cheap lodging-place functions beside quiet river DOSSHOUSE
Dagger British priest's used to stab old king OBELISK
Demonstration involving debauchee in African city MARRAKECH
Distance sailors travel across river is of no importance NORTHING
East European, crossing mountains, rejected walk by sea ESPLANADE
Giving up producing YIELDING
Graduate regrettably about to make obeisance SALAAM
Layman's mostly safe crossing US city SECULAR
Main noise produced by cat and bird SEAMEW
My clue, somehow, for Aristotle's garden LYCEUM
Old storm engulfing 23's original royal house ORANGE
Clues Answers
Porter invested in fur fit for retailing SALEABLE
Preservative intended to reach African country before noon FORMALIN
Projecting column at end of series in breakwater PILASTER
Quite a source of news and comment, now and then! SOMETIMES
Read superficially before start of periodic stint SKIMP
Reportedly none may be so kind and affectionate SISTERLY
Sound of cane that makes us smart SWISH
Sporting association's driver, for example GOLFCLUB
Thoroughly contented, like a son of Chopin's lover? HAPPYASASANDBOY
When a star declines a newspaper lower in price SUNDOWN
When do Sun converts read this person's reports? NEWSHOUND
Window affording view round food shop SIDELIGHT
Woman receiving information for business schedule AGENDA
Worker possibly put up woman's aerial ANTENNA