- Aug 10 2006

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Leave __ to Heaven'' HER
''__ mia!'' MAMMA
57, in old Rome LVII
Alphabetic trio CDE
Also-ran LOSER
Approached rapidly RANTO
Arkansas range OZARK
Become accustomed (to) INURE
Blue shade AZURE
Bring upon oneself INCUR
Broadcast AIR
Busiest times PEAKHOURS
Capital of Togo LOME
Cat, often PAWER
Catch NAB
Christmas song word MERRY
Comic writer Bombeck ERMA
Coup __ DETAT
Curved paths ARCS
Dale or Maurice EVANS
Deer females HINDS
Defunct flier SST
Door part JAMB
Engineering school, for short TECH
Enlightens EDIFIES
Experiment TRIAL
Experiment TEST
Film-script direction FADEOUT
Fleet of warships ARMADA
Flowerless plants FERNS
For certain eyes only TOPSECRET
French spa EVIAN
Gift giver DONOR
Go downhill for fun SKI
Great notice RAVE
Gross less expenses NET
Hardly humble PROUD
Clues Answers
High-level meetings SUMMITTALKS
Higher than ABOVE
Hit the hay RETIRE
Impoverished NEEDY
Is gloomy MOPES
Jaunty rhythm, in music LILT
Kevin of ''Dave'' KLINE
Lab runner RAT
Large vases URNS
Last word AMEN
Lets in again READMITS
Like the Capitol DOMED
Make an assertion CLAIM
Narrow shoe width AAA
Old counting devices ABACI
Panorama SCENE
Part of Q and A ANS
Places for ore VEINS
Protective covering SKIN
Real-estate account ESCROW
Roth and SEP IRAS
Scratch up MAR
Singer Reese DELLA
Sioux Indian LAKOTA
Soft cheese FETA
Son of Seth ENOS
Started gradually PHASEDIN
Tall tale YARN
The night before EVE
Tibetan priests LAMAS
Title holder CHAMP
Turntable abbr. RPM
Use diligently PLY
Voice quality TONE
Water vessels EWERS
Woodwind OBOE
Write quickly JOT
Zsa Zsa's sister EVA