The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 21581 - November 23, 2000

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Clues Answers
Active Northern boatmen, naturally at ease when working TOTHEMANNERBORN
Ammunition is exhausted SHOT
At home taking a holiday, somehow INAWAY
Benjamin Roosevelt FRANKLIN
Chart turned up containing a grid that's wrong, for example PARADIGM
Cistern is intended to stand up HOLDWATER
Cruelly-used girl and I in more trouble IRONMAIDEN
Crustaceans - almost the very same river contained SCAMPI
Eco-friendly marijuana GREEN
Excellent score after mishit at golf TOPNOTCH
Flower trouble had returned DAHLIA
Forbid indirect manoeuvring before time INTERDICT
Fruit clearly contains an insect PLANTAIN
Grandiloquent nonsense - and in German too! ROTUND
Grow older in state prison RIPEN
Clues Answers
He has agreed to direct steering of farm vehicle CONTRACTOR
Home at ten, willy-nilly? That's outdated MOTHEATEN
Make tea in hospital MASH
Middle Eastern money supporting China appears very relevant MATERIAL
Non-English herb given name relating to Church of England ANGLICAN
Part of answer verified as 'deviation' SWERVE
Players I confine to quarters and rebuke severely CASTIGATE
Policeman reversed into deer, showing aggression when driving ROADRAGE
Prevent large amount of money being withdrawn STOP
Representative from Georgia participating in strike DELEGATE
Row producing audible evidence of grief TIER
The Sound of Music lacking a certain energy? OOMPH
Tightly shut CLOSE
Your holding novel up causes complaint YAMMER