Universal - Aug 2 2006

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Clues Answers
''Murder, ___ Wrote'' SHE
''___ Told Me (Not to Come)'' MAMA
Acoustic term STEREO
Ad add-on LIB
Anatomical pouches SACS
Arabian Sea gulf ADEN
Basis for a claim LOSS
Beats decisively TROUNCES
Broadway bomb FLOP
Budget meeting? ENDS
Buttercup relatives ANEMONES
Car protector ALARM
Chorus member ALTO
Closing musical passage CODA
Dangerous emission RADON
Despotic ruler TSAR
Dilapidated cars HEAPS
Doughboy's weapon RIFLE
Driller's quest, often OIL
Eggs, in science OVA
Electrical measure, for short AMP
Enter traffic MERGE
Exclude BAR
Fervor ARDOR
Follower of Christ? MAS
Fun for the rescue squad FIREMENSBALL
Gang territory TURF
Genesis ONSET
Genteel affair TEA
Giraffe's striped kin OKAPI
Gives a very poor review to SLAMS
Gouda cousin EDAM
Idle from Monty Python ERIC
Isn't passive ACTS
Jock support? RAH
Lake near Carson City TAHOE
Las Vegas area STRIP
Long geological time period EON
Long-bodied fish GAR
Clues Answers
Make up your mind OPT
Mediterranean capital ALGIERS
Memory lapses MENTALBLOCKS
Metamorphic stage LARVA
More than interested in someone's business NOSY
Not yet a marquis EARL
Old French coin SOU
One never seen in ''Peanuts'' ADULT
One who walks down the aisle? USHER
One with a sought-after list DEAN
Prerequisite NEED
Pusher's bane NARC
Race terminus TAPE
Revelation IDEA
Risible beast HYENA
Sedan sweetie AMIE
Seizes without authority USURPS
Shakespeare character OTHELLO
Sicily's neighbor MALTA
Side in a vote NAYS
Something standing for something else SYMBOL
Space abode, once MIR
Spiritual being ANGEL
Sports venues ARENAS
State ''Not guilty,'' e.g. PLEAD
Suitable for marriage NUBILE
Surfeits SATES
Test of public opinion TRIALBALLOON
The ''O'' in magazines OPRAH
The eyes have it SIGHT
The good earth? LOAM
Transplanted Acropolis sculptures ELGINMARBLES
Twain portrayer Holbrook HAL
U.S. health watchdog FDA
Vamoose SCRAM
Weak and feeble INFIRM
Wrath IRE
___ chi TAI
___-Am (Dr. Seuss character) SAMI