- Jul 25 2006

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Am not!'' response ARESO
''No __, ands, or buts!'' IFS
''Will there be anything __?'' ELSE
'60s records LPS
2000 presidential candidate ALGORE
Ancient Peruvians INCAS
Aspect FACET
Ballet bend PLIE
Battery fluid ACID
BB gun ammo PELLET
Bicycle part PEDAL
Bio. or chem. SCI
Black-and-orange bird ORIOLE
Bullring ''bravo!'' OLE
Carbonated drink mixers CLUBSODAS
Cat's prey RAT
Catch in a trap SNARE
Charger of interest LENDER
Cloth for drying TOWEL
Coffee alternative TEA
Confidential item SECRET
Curly, Larry and Moe STOOGES
Cut calories DIET
Declares untrue DENIES
Drop in the mail SEND
Endorsed, as a check SIGNED
Fencing contest DUEL
Fill with joy ELATE
Fishing-line holder REEL
Folk singer Guthrie ARLO
Grocery shopper's reference LIST
Hammer or 58 Down TOOL
Hindu garment SARI
L.A. clock setting PST
Lacking color PALE
Letters after kays ELLS
Magazine edition ISSUE
Male choir voices TENORS
Clues Answers
Marsh birds EGRETS
Mexican coins PESOS
More adorable CUTER
Munched on ATE
Novelist Ferber EDNA
Old Italian money LIRA
Paper fragment SCRAP
Part of MPH PER
Poet Whitman WALT
Poisonous snake ASP
Pro and __ CON
Pronto, in a memo ASAP
Pub servings ALES
Radiant quality AURA
Ragtime dance ONESTEP
Raw metals ORES
Ready for a nap TIRED
Sale condition ASIS
Saloon seats STOOLS
Sandwich cheese SWISS
Sauce made with basil PESTO
Showed the way LED
Sign at a diner DAILYSPECIALS
Sign at a new store GRANDOPENING
Sign on a hotel-room door DONOTDISTURB
Spring flower IRIS
Sun. speech SER
Ticked off IRATE
Two-person talks DIALOGUES
Whichever ANY
Wholesale quantity CASE
Wigwam relative TEPEE
Wood-cutting device SAW
Young'__ (kids) UNS
__ of ethics CODE