- May 7 2006

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Clues Answers
''. . . __ the whole thing!'' IATE
''Hmm . . .'' ISEE
Actress Berger SENTA
Actress Taylor LILI
Aquatic plants ALGAE
As far as UPTO
Author __ Stanley Gardner ERLE
Auto-repair shop GARAGE
Baloney TRIPE
Becomes attached ENROOTS
Bless, with ''on'' SMILE
Bring joy to ELATE
Caught up on debts EVEN
Ceremonial act RITE
Charitable donations ALMS
Cleric's stipend PREBEND
Coeur d'__, ID ALENE
Comic Carey DREW
Country singer McEntire REBA
Currency in Libya DINAR
Czech river ODER
Deliver a tirade RAVE
Do radiator maintenance BLEED
Don't give up NEVERSAYDIE
Don't give up HANGINTHERE
Donnybrook MELEE
Drover's charge STEER
Economist Smith ADAM
Edges of London sidewalks KERBS
Elaborate journey TREK
Encircled RINGED
English novelist READE
Eye drop TEAR
Fairway flaw DIVOT
Fairy-tale penultimate word EVER
Feel remorse REGRET
Feudal boss LORD
Flat-topped formations MESAS
Flue stuff SOOT
Folk singer Guthrie ARLO
Formerly ONCE
Fragrant oil ATTAR
German city KIEL
Gives out EMITS
Go for LIKE
Go with JOIN
Goes off ERRS
Golfer Ernie ELS
Graphic beginning TELE
Greek island CRETE
Green course SALAD
Grp. of atoms MOL
Hair conditioner RINSE
Have an objection MIND
High-schooler, usually TEEN
Hindu ascetic FAKIR
Horror-film sound GASP
Hotel employee MAID
Ice-dancer Torvill JAYNE
Inclination SLANT
Inclination BIAS
Innovative NOVEL
It ends at the shore OCEAN
It means ''inhabitant'' ITE
Jai __ ALAI
Keep on hand STORE
Large barge LIGHTER
Lay down more grass RESOD
Clues Answers
Leader at Potsdam STALIN
Lessen ABATE
Like some wit ACID
Little Joe Cartwright portrayer LANDON
Louver part SLAT
Make amends ATONE
Make replete SATE
Malicious looks LEERS
Mayberry aunt BEE
Med. course ANAT
Military band UNIT
Mischievous Norse god LOKI
Motion picture CINE
Need to take a break TIRE
Nonsense ROT
Northern port NOME
Not digital ANALOG
Ohio city CANTON
Old Russian rulers TSARS
On high ALOFT
Ones to respect ELDERS
Paint additive DRIER
Pants specification LONG
PD alerts APBS
Peak in the Rockies TETON
Per __ (yearly) ANNUM
Poker payment ANTE
Protected SAFE
Publicist's concern SPIN
Purina sister brand ALPO
Quickly, for short ASAP
Reach across SPAN
Referee's grant TIME
Repair MEND
Rod of tennis LAVER
Seeger or Sampras PETE
Senate aide PAGE
Sheet fabric PERCALE
Shoppe sign word OLDE
Skier's need POLE
Sowed again RESEEDED
Speak: French PARLE
Stage remark ASIDE
Standoffish ALOOF
Still in play ALIVE
Store complexes MALLS
Stratford-upon-__ AVON
Sty guy BOAR
They're chained in banks PENS
Took out, editorially DELED
Took wrongly ROBBED
Traffic noise HORNS
Visa marking STAMP
VMI student CADET
Water carrier HOSE
Wear away ERODE
Web search center GOOGLE
West Coast NFLer NINER
Wine holder VAT
Without __ (riskily) ANET
Worry (about) STEW
Worship ADORE
Yankee great's nickname DIMAG
Yearn for CRAVE
Yorkshire farewell TATA
Yucatan youngster NINO
__ about (approximately) ONOR
__ even keel ONAN
__ light (film-set need) KLIEG
__ nous ENTRE