L.A. Times Sunday - May 7 2006

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Clues Answers
"--- Got a Friend" YOUVE
"--- he was fair as a garden in flower": Auden OBUT
"... goes --- do" ORI
"Ain't happenin'" NOWAY
"Clan of the Cave Bear" author AUEL
"Jingle Bells" preposition OER
"The Balcony" playwright JEANGENET
--- -O-U AEI
1960s singer Sands EVIE
1970s Ford model TORINO
2002 erupter ETNA
34D's A ARAB
5th-c. invaders of England JUTES
Acidity ratings PHS
Alaskan indigenes INUITS
Allowing alcohol WET
Arts-promoting agcy. UNESCO
Assyrian capital NINEVEH
Bar in the fridge OLEO
Benefits, often GALAS
Biggish bills FIFTIES
Bobbles GOOFS
Bobbles ERRS
Boston Bruin Bobby ORR
Brasi who "sleeps with the fishes" LUCA
Brest milk LAIT
Brother hood? COWL
Brylcreem portion DAB
Buildings with wings? HANGARS
Bullies' run-throughs? DURESSREHEARSALS
Calls for silence SHS
Calm down SOOTHE
Caspian Sea, really LAKE
Cellist Casals PABLO
Certain Arab SAUDI
Cezanne or Gauguin PAUL
Chases away SHOOS
Chimed RANG
Christmas tree trim TINSEL
Cinematographer's selection LENS
Coin-flipper's phrase CALLIT
Confession topic SIN
Connect JOIN
Copy cats? MEOW
Couple of Spaniards? DOS
Crunch time CRISIS
Cyclops' singleton EYE
Dagwood's neighbor kid ELMO
Does one darn thing after another? SEWS
Dr. Salk JONAS
Drive a thief away? ABET
Dry out PARCH
Dye-yielding plant ANIL
Eugene of "Curious George" LEVY
Excited expressions YOWS
Fabricators MAKERS
Film about a tots' takeover? KINDERGARTENCOUP
Fire-eater's move? MOUTHTOAFLAME
Ford Field athletes LIONS
Get in touch with CONTACT
Gore and Hirt ALS
Gouge and chisel TOOLS
GPS heading SSE
Grande opening RIO
Grass clump SOD
Grouper groups SCHOOLS
Half of nine? ENS
Harry Potter, e.g. SERIES
Have a serious crush on ADORE
Higher form of transportation? ELS
Clues Answers
Home shopping sta. QVC
Hosp. workers RNS
In force VALID
Is cyclic RECURS
It was dropped in the 1960s LSD
Its hub was in St. Louis TWA
Jeanne --- DARC
John's sign MEN
Katmandu's country NEPAL
Kings' org. NHL
Life jacket MAEWEST
Luftwaffe stopper RAF
Mideast Cold War org. CENTO
Mil or mile UNIT
Mole, maybe SPY
Mythical monsters from Marseilles? FRENCHFURIES
Nervous ANTSY
Newfoundland capital STJOHNS
Noisy exhalation SNORT
Obstructs HINDERS
Ocasek of the Cars RIC
Old Eg.-Syr. union UAR
Olympic gold skater Carol HEISS
On the roof of ATOP
Opedics opener ORTH
Oscar-winning composer Maurice JARRE
Paint like Pollock DRIP
Part of Ceylon's new name SRI
Persevered PRESSEDON
Plays for a sucker USES
Plus-sized, plus OBESE
Post operative? EDITOR
Prof's deg. PHD
Reykjavik language ICELANDIC
Road shoulders BERMS
Rome's --- Steps SPANISH
Salad veggie CUKE
See 104A REED
Shaker's companion? MOVER
Skeptical epithets BAHS
Slow buildup ACCRETION
Slowpokes SNAILS
Snack in a shell TACO
Sniggler's catch EEL
Spot for a shot ARM
Stalin's domain USSR
Standing order? ATEASE
Street-smart HIP
Subway fare? HERO
This place is a mess STY
Time on the battlefield? HOURSDECOMBAT
Tire pressure fig. PSI
Tomato type ROMA
Tonkin Delta capital HANOI
UK honor OBE
Unmemorable SOSO
Veterans' Day mo. NOV
Was outstanding SHONE
We, "oui"? NOUS
What the USA makes GNP
What we have OURS
Where Thoreau adopted his dogs? WALDENPOUND
White House PR concerns? POTUSANDPANS
With 112A, "Walk on the Wild Side" singer LOU
Word often mis-apostrophized ITS
Y wearer ELI
Yokel Yokum ABNER