L.A. Times Daily - May 2 2006

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Clues Answers
"Rank" novice AMATEUR
"Sting like a bee" boxer ALI
"The Persistence of Memory" painter DALI
Anderson on "Baywatch" PAMELA
Atomizer scent COLOGNE
Beat all, so to speak TAKETHECAKE
Borscht veggie BEET
Bracelet fastener CLASP
Chowder bit CLAM
Cleo's downfall ASP
Cod cousin HAKE
Diner hodgepodge HASH
Diving duck SMEW
Dr. Morgan of comics REX
Driving force URGE
Ed.'s work pile MSS
Exacta or quinella WAGER
Explosive stuff TNT
Fabric rib WALE
Figures it out, with "up" WISES
Financial reviews AUDITS
Flat agreements LEASES
Functions USES
Gather in abundance MASS
Get ready to take off TAXI
Gets together MEETS
Gimlet garnishes LIMES
Give a pink slip to CAN
Give a thumbs-down to NIX
Give authority to EMPOWER
Go-getter's motto SEIZETHEDAY
Greek "H" ETA
Heart chambers ATRIA
Improve a draft EDIT
Israeli weapon UZI
Jargon LINGO
Jug handles EARS
July birthstone RUBY
Kept from frowning AMUSED
Clues Answers
Luau entertainment HULA
Makeup item MASCARA
Makeup mishap SMEAR
Marry a much younger mate ROBTHECRADLE
Meddle PRY
Miller product LITE
Monica of tennis SELES
Not aweather ALEE
Not susceptible IMMUNE
Old French coin ECU
Old Testament song PSALM
One showing curiosity ASKER
One who can never pass the bar? LUSH
Outshine onstage STEALTHESHOW
Paratrooper's gear CHUTE
Perform ineptly MISDO
Place to put a payment TILL
Please no end ELATE
Plus in the ledger ASSET
Poverty-stricken NEEDY
Put one's feet up RELAX
Put one's feet up REST
React to a camera SMILE
Remarkable times ERAS
Scientist's helper of film IGOR
Seam find ORE
Sing the praises of EXTOL
Some Slavs SERBS
Square dance partner GAL
Successors' places STEADS
Tankard contents ALE
Tuesday, in Tours MARDI
Ultimatum word ELSE
Units of work ERGS
War god ARES
Wonderland tea party attendee HARE
Word with whiz GEE