Wall Street Journal - Apr 14 2006 - April 14, 2006 - Capital Gains

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Clues Answers
'Another Day on Earth' musician Brian ENO
'Fighting' Big Ten team ILLINI
'I suppose' GUESSSO
'I take it that's ___' ANO
'Kenilworth' author SCOTT
'Over the Rainbow' composer Arlen HAROLD
'Stray and play' casino game KENO
'The Best of the Songbooks' name ELLA
'___ out?' INOR
1990s Indian prime minister RAO
2005 Emmy winner for Dramatic Series LOST
Alice's cake message EATME
Antifreeze components GLYCOLS
Asylum seekers EMIGRES
Austin Powers catchphrase OHBEHAVE
Awesome Tex-Mex pasta dish? RADICALCHILIMAC
Bacteria-ridden SEPTIC
Baseball bigwig Bud SELIG
Basic skating jump TOELOOP
Be a student at ATTEND
Big do FETE
Bird-watcher's cry ISEEIT
Bit of inspiration SPARK
Campaign contributions? ADFEES
Car repair courtesy LOANER
Cartesian conclusion IAM
Cath. title MSGR
Central MID
Christmas pageant parts THEMAGI
Clever QUICK
Coldwell Banker workers AGENTS
Completely clueless ALLATSEA
Crankcase bases OILPANS
Darden Sch. of Business campus UVA
Data analyst, at times ENTERER
Declare AVER
Deflation sound SSS
Dependable SOLID
Disreputable characters SLEAZES
Do for the service CREWCUT
Earnings figure GROSS
Earnings figure NET
Edible pocket PITA
Editor's veto STET
Feel bitter about RESENT
Fixer-upper, to say the least SHACK
Fleece CON
Follower of rest or recreation ROOM
Football play RUSH
Friend of Harry and Hermione RON
Fruity brand since 1927 KOOLAID
Gets stock ready for sale, in a way UNCASES
Golfer's concern LIE
Google CEO Schmidt ERIC
GOP rival DEM
HBO rival, in listings SHO
Her headdress featured a solar disk ISIS
High-altitude mountain area? TIMBERLINEZONE
Hot under the collar MAD
In desperate need of irrigation SERE
Insect with a name from the Greek word for 'prophet' MANTIS
Invitees to director Frank's party? CAPRAGUESTLIST
Java ingredient? CODE
Kamehameha Day decoration LEI
Keep in a cellar AGE
Keynesianism, for one THEORY
Lab building DOGHOUSE
Clues Answers
LaBeouf of 'Holes' SHIA
Lock setting CANAL
Magnavox slogan word SMART
Material for un doblón ORO
Mobile home? CRIB
Monetary notes? DOREMI
Monster Park squad NINERS
More experienced, maybe OLDER
NBA forward Diogu IKE
NYSE ___ (online stock exchange) ARCA
Old Frigidaire rival NORGE
Old-fashioned ingredient RYE
One-lane highway annoyance? TOOSLOWTRUCK
Org. concerned with doping IOC
Part of a zodiac chain of command? RAMMANAGINGBULL
Part of an emcee's job INTROS
PayPal-friendly business ETAIL
Pfeiffer of TV's 'Cybill' DEDEE
Piece for a coloratura ARIOSO
Place for powder KEG
Poisonous yellow gas FLUORINE
Polka's cousin GALOP
Prevention unit ISSUE
Prima donnas' problems EGOS
Proclaimed noisily BLARED
Queue after Q RST
R&D procedure TESTRUN
Review harshly SCATHE
Robin's love MARIAN
Room for sweaters? SAUNA
Rosh Hashana month TISHRI
Russert of 'Meet the Press' TIM
S-1 forms are filed for them IPOS
Sacred insects? HOLYMOSQUITOES
Schubert's 'The ___-King' ERL
Scrape, in kidspeak OWIE
Security option TBOND
Seeming eternity EON
Set up new headquarters RELOCATE
Shiba ___ (Japanese dog breed) INU
Short jacket BOLERO
Singer/bandleader Ray EBERLE
Slalom race between Peter and Gabriel? HEAVENSKIEVENT
Slam dunk expert Swift, familiarly STRO
Some organic compounds AMINES
Source of support PILLAR
Speedy Boston-Washington connection ACELA
Stain, for one FINISH
Stephen King's college town ORONO
Stock unit COW
Stoic school founder ZENO
Substitute for teeth in some whales BALEEN
Sumo wrestling maneuver? HOLDFROMEAST
Tall order at the bar COLLINS
They fill the bill CENTS
Ticks off IRES
To's partner FRO
Tour guides, often NATIVES
TV with the first wireless remote ZENITH
Unoriginal reply ECHO
Using a passport, say ABROAD
Vending machine choice COLA
Watch over POLICE
Were friends GOTON
Winter coat RIME
___ Sutra KAMA