- Mar 10 2006

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Clues Answers
''Don't worry'' ITSOK
''The Time Machine'' race ELOI
''Well done!'' NICE
1994 NL Manager of the Year ALOU
Anklebone TALUS
Appropriate, in a way ALLOT
Bank deposit of a sort SILT
Belgrade native SERB
Big Apple gallery district SOHO
Black key, at times FLAT
Blessing BOON
Boat pronoun SHE
Book insertion ERRATA
Bound LEAP
Card-reader instruction SWIPE
Charter HIRE
Compass reading ESE
Court statement PLEA
Did the crawl SWAM
Ersatz swing TIRE
Exams for would-be attys. LSATS
Film format IMAX
Film segment REEL
First name in country REBA
First name in scat ELLA
Françoise's friend AMIE
Glaze of egg white GLAIR
Graph lines AXES
Gun-barrel diameter BORE
In __ of LIEU
It fell in March 2001 MIR
Like some jets WIDEBODIED
Liqueur flavoring ANISE
Mauna __ LOA
Mideast coin RIAL
Mideast native SEMITE
Neutral tone ECRU
Clues Answers
Not any NARY
O'Hara abode TARA
Parceled (out) METED
Period ERA
Puts on KIDS
Radiation band INFRARED
Rick's love ILSA
Singer Judd NAOMI
Smack ender EROO
Small combo TRIO
Sold, with ''in'' DEALT
Something to let off STEAM
Sporting blades EPEES
Spring up ARISE
Straw in the wind OMEN
Superlatively commodious ROOMIEST
Switch positions ONS
Talked big CROWED
Taxed one's patience WASADRAG
They may be tested WILLS
Thumbs-down votes NOES
Thumbs-up votes YEAS
Tie __ TAC
Too quick RASH
Toon coyote WILEE
Tyrolean tune YODEL
Used a fork, perhaps STABBED
Visibly moved INTEARS
Winner of five consecutive Wimbledons BORG
With respect to ASFOR
Word with hat or hand OLD
Word-processing command EDIT
Word-processing command SORT
Worldwide: Abbr. INTL
Wrestling meets DUALS
Writer Ambler ERIC