- Dec 18 2005

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Clues Answers
''B.C.'' character THOR
''Do I have to?'' AWGEE
''If I Only Had the Nerve'' singer LAHR
Adolescent TEENER
Altercation RUNIN
An Apostle STSIMON
Back talk LIP
Bar-mitzvah reading TORAH
Big blows CLOUTS
Big name at Yalta WINSTON
Bonding agents MORTARS
Bran source OAT
British novelist CPSNOW
Bumped into MET
Burger topping TOMATO
Business partner, at times SON
Cary Grant's real surname LEACH
Ceiling feature SKYLIGHT
Celestial ram ARIES
Cheer up ELATE
Cheers on ROOTSFOR
Chicago trains ELS
City in Colombia CALI
Clamor DIN
Clean air agcy. EPA
Cleaning solution LYE
Coll. student stat GPA
Compound unit: Abbr. MOL
Connection TIE
Container in a closet HATBOX
Contents of some in-boxes EMAILS
Convenience-store convenience ATM
Crete-born artist ELGRECO
DA's concern CRIME
Decreases DIPS
Demanding phrase IINSIST
Diminutive suffix ULA
End of a kids' song EIEIO
Erode EAT
Errand runners AIDES
Euro predecessor ECU
Farm implements HOES
Fast on one's feet AGILE
Father Time's tool SCYTHE
FDR follower HST
Flat boat SCOW
Gallic girlfriend AMIE
Geologic time unit EON
Get started BEGIN
Gomer Pyle's org. USMC
Good name, for short REP
Good-sized run TENK
Gray matter CEREBRUM
Grounded plane SST
Habitual ways WONTS
Has as a hobby ISINTO
Have the chair PRESIDE
Heart charts: Abbr. EKGS
Historical period ERA
Hosp. professionals RNS
Illuminated LIT
Imitator APE
Immobilize, as a sailboat BECALM
Inheritance unit GENE
Itinerary abbr. RTE
Lerner and Loewe musical GIGI
Less expected ODDER
Light-switch positions ONS
Like ''Toy Story'' RATEDG
Line on a list ITEM
List shortener ETC
Clues Answers
Literary monogram TSE
Long teeth FANGS
Long-stemmed flowers LILIES
Low-quality POOR
March Madness org. NCAA
Maryland town ELKTON
Mexican outlaw BANDITO
Middle of the second century CLI
Mideast region SINAI
National hero of Spain ELCID
Needle workers SEWERS
Neighborhood near Covent Garden SOHO
Next to BESIDE
Of personal interest NEARONESHEART
Oklahoma city ENID
Olympian warrior ARES
On deck NEXT
One way to revitalize NAP
Patron saint of Norway OLAV
Personal style TASTE
Personal-ad abbr. SWF
Piece of okra POD
Pigs and hogs SWINE
Prefix for way THRU
Professional charge FEE
Pumpernickel periphery CRUST
Put on an act FEIGN
Re-rentals of a sort SUBLETS
Reached maturity RIPENED
Rhett's last words ADAMN
Risk funds BET
Roman raiment TOGA
Royal order EDICT
Scrooge outburst BAH
Seafood seller of song MALONE
Seismographic event TREMOR
Simplified EASED
Small fly GNAT
Smirnoff rival STOLI
Soft touches DABS
Some amb. drivers EMTS
Spruce relative FIR
Successfully completed OFFONESHANDS
Susquehanna tributary CHENANGO
Take a sample of TRY
Take a sample of TEST
Term of affection DEAREST
Terse and meaningful PITHY
That sloop SHE
Throat-culture finding STREP
Tonic partner GIN
Too complicated OVERONESHEAD
Turntable parts SPINDLES
Ultimate degree NTH
Unchangeable SET
Underhanded SLY
Union founded in '35 UAW
Unreturned serve ACE
Untrustworthy one RAT
Vest pocket FOB
Washday challenge MUD
Where things rankle UNDERONESSKIN
Wide letters EMS
Wipe clean ERASE
Wordsworth work ODE
Work with ore SMELT
Xenon, for one GAS