Universal - Nov 26 2005

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Clues Answers
''Casablanca'' character RICK
''Casablanca'' character SAM
''Combat!'' star VICMORROW
''Gayane'' composer Khachaturian ARAM
''Go Tell ___ the Mountain'' ITON
''I'd hate to break up ___'' ASET
''Ragtime'' author ELDOCTOROW
''Sail ___ Ship of State!'' (Longfellow) ONO
Agnes and Genevieve, for short STES
Agricultural events HARVESTS
Be wild about ADORE
Biblical pronoun THEE
Birdbrain NITWIT
Bobble the bunt ERR
Build up AMASS
Casting requirement? REEL
Charlotte Corday's victim MARAT
City in Iowa AMES
Coolidge veep Charles DAWES
Correo ___ (airmail from Espaqa) AEREO
Creatures in a Steinbeck title MICE
Crown covering ENAMEL
Diana of ''I Married a Woman'' DORS
Filled with happiness BLISSFUL
Film a scene over REROLL
First name in journalism BARBARA
Galileo org. NASA
Gargantuan COLOSSAL
Hambletonian gait TROT
Hydroxyl compound ENOL
Intern of 1998 news LEWINSKY
It's a foot long RULER
Jack-of-spades feature ONEEYE
Kind of money MAD
Kind of shoppe OLDE
Lance Armstrong's love SHERYLCROW
Last course DESSERT
Letters on an oil can SAE
Clues Answers
Levels EVENS
Neutral shade ECRU
New Mexico art community TAOS
Notable not in the Hall of Fame PETEROSE
Offensive sight EYESORE
Official records ACTA
One way to be tickled PINK
One-time wife of Frank Sinatra MIAFARROW
Oscar winner Sorvino MIRA
Part of a parcel, perhaps ACRE
Prized prize NOBEL
Pt. of U.S.A. AMER
Ravine formed by a river CANYON
Recovered from a knockout punch CAMETO
Recreation for two SEESAW
Remote targets? VCRS
Ridiculous INANE
River rising in the Bernese Alps AARE
Shipboard crane DAVIT
Sills solo ARIA
Sinuous dance HULA
Sometimes it's golf ball size HAIL
Spill the beans LETON
Standing in the military? RANK
State east of the Sierras NEVADA
Suffix with meth- or eth- ANE
Tailors' union? SEAM
They're on the books LAWS
This and this THESE
Tiny amphibians NEWTS
TV producers? RCA
Type of bird or earth RARE
Urban creature ALLEYCAT
Venezuelan river ORINOCO
Vintner's prefix OENO
Wiser companion OLDER
Word with apple or push CART
___ Speedwagon REO