New York Times - Oct 20 2005

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Clues Answers
'But, ___ was ambitious, I slew him': Brutus ASHE
'Hurray for me!' IDIDIT
'I've had enough!' UNCLE
'Star Trek' genre SCIFIFANTASY
'That'll be the day!' IBET
1942 movie with the song 'Love Is a Song' BAMBI
All-purpose GENERAL
At the drop of ___ AHAT
Bibliophile's citation, for short ISBN
Bottom line NET
Bottom line SUM
Box with a manual KIT
Break for games PLAYTIME
Breakwater JETTY
Coastal predator TERN
Coca-Cola product NESTEA
Degree recipient CONFEREE
Door sign MEN
Dowel PEG
Early zoology topic AMEBAS
Faux pas BONER
Finger ___ LAKES
Get up after a multiplayer football tackle UNPILE
Herald reader MIAMIAN
Hip activity? HULA
Hoosier cabinet wood OAK
Jaguars, e.g. CATS
Kind of sch. ELEM
Largest city on Belgium's coast OSTEND
Lie alongside of ABUTON
Lightly maul PAWAT
Literary oceans DEEPS
Magic 8 Ball, e.g. ORACLE
Clues Answers
Make, altogether ARE
Many Sri Lankans TAMILS
Marine greeting AHOYMATE
Marksman's skill AIM
Mix-ups SNAFUS
Mythology anthology EDDA
One leading a chase HARE
One way to win BYANOSE
Pistol, in slang EQUALIZER
Pixels DOTS
Places to get online without plugging in WIFIHOTSPOTS
Pool path LANE
Popular cookie OREO
Precious mettle? SPUNK
Presidential inits. LBJ
Private line? YESSIR
Quai ___ (French foreign office locale) DORSAY
Raft material BALSA
Refers (to) ALLUDES
Romantic notes SOFTMUSIC
Sectors AREAS
Setting for 'The Plague' ORAN
Slang expert Partridge ERIC
Slayer of Ravana in Hindu myth RAMA
Snare BAG
Swinger's opportunity ATBAT
Tags IDS
Tribe associated with the Seven Cities of Cíbola ZUNI
Turn toward sunset FACEWEST
Turntable, speakers, etc. HIFIEQUIPMENT
Unsafe RISKY
Victor's cry IWIN
___ as a blue rose RARE
___ ball NERF