Universal - Oct 15 2005

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Alice's Restaurant'' singer ARLO
''Break ___'' (theatrical motto) ALEG
''___ went thataway!'' THEY
Add more cushioning REPAD
Aerobics style STEP
Alaskan seaport NOME
Be an accomplice ABET
Campaign poster word ELECT
Certain campaign funders, for short PACS
Certain Nobel Institute site OSLO
Cookie favorite OREO
Cordon ___ BLEU
Counterfeit PHONY
Crooner Perry COMO
DeGeneres or Barkin ELLEN
Digital alternative ANALOG
Doctrines TENETS
Dramatis personae CAST
Employee investment acronym ESOP
Excessively dry ARID
Eye ailment STYE
Feel more than disdain ABHOR
Football's British relative RUGBY
Form of lie LAIN
Four black things BALLMAILEYEHAWK
Four white things RATHEATLIEWHALE
From the top ANEW
German car BMW
Health farm SPA
Horne of ''Stormy Weather'' fame LENA
Killer whale ORCA
King had a famous one DREAM
Little Rascals member DARLA
Molecule component ATOM
Office note MEMO
One of the Three Musketeers ATHOS
Oodles SCADS
Clues Answers
Orange discards PEELS
Osmond sister MARIE
Pasternak heroine LARA
Peg Riley's daughter BABS
Phone greeting HELLO
Phony display SHAM
Pickle piece SPEAR
Pitchblende, e.g. ORE
Popeye's love OLIVE
Pour, as wine DECANT
Princess's crown TIARA
Prison sentences RAPS
Raw linen color ECRU
Resting on ATOP
Schoolyard game TAG
Seth's son ENOS
Sharp, as vision KEEN
Site of temptation EDEN
Skye, for one ISLE
Slangy denial NAH
Souchong, e.g. TEA
Sound from a mad cat HISS
Stand for MEAN
Take a bride WIVE
Takes the wheel STEERS
Three black things MAGICPOWDERHOLE
Three black things COMEDYBEARDLIST
Three white things PLAINSMEATCLOUD
Timer filler SAND
Token punishment SLAP
Told tales LIED
Turns thumbs down on PANS
Unpolished person RUBE
Void companion NULL
Wanders (about) GADS
With ___ to the ground ANEAR
Without repetition ONCE