- Sep 3 2014

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Brain'' of a PC CPU
''That's all __ wrote'' SHE
Annoying noise DIN
Arctic expanse TUNDRA
At the summit of ATOP
Baby lion CUB
Be dressed in WEAR
Bed coverlet THROW
Belly muscles ABS
Category TYPE
Church residence RECTORY
Clearly understood LUCID
Closed securely LATCHED
Collegian's goal DEGREE
Computer shortcut MACRO
Conjunction with a slash ANDOR
Cpl. or sgt NCO
Delivery to a smeltery ORE
Dexterous DEFT
Diamond Head locale OAHU
Directional suffix ERN
EMT's skill CPR
Enormous LARGE
Express excitement ENTHUSE
Farmer's place, in song DELL
Feudal peasant SERF
Foldaway bed COT
Fork prong TINE
Fund, as a scholarship ENDOW
Greatly impresses AWES
Ground-breaking implement HOE
High-five, e.g SLAP
In a moment SOON
Island near Java BALI
L'Oreal rival CLAIROL
Letters on dashboards MPH
Lobster cousin CRAB
Make amends ATONE
Clues Answers
Makes a blunder ERRS
Memorizing process ROTE
Minor anomaly BLIP
Move with swagger PRANCE
Nation west of Afghanistan IRAN
Needing a rest DOGTIRED
Needing a rest OUTOFGAS
Needing a rest DRAINED
Needing a rest BONEWEARY
Needing a rest EXHAUSTED
News article ITEM
Nose, so to speak SNOOT
Of the backbone SPINAL
Orange's covering RIND
Origami material PAPER
Physically robust HARDY
Planetary path ORBIT
Plant firmly EMBED
Praiseful poem ODE
Ready to roll SET
Refused to share HOGGED
Renders speechless STUNS
Resident-owned apartment CONDO
River boats BARGES
Run-of-the-mill USUAL
Scoffer's shout HAH
Send a phone message TEXT
Small battery AAA
Sore spot ACHE
Sushi fish EEL
The Buckeye State OHIO
Timely benefit BOON
Toledo's lake ERIE
Towered over DWARFED
Turkish coins LIRAS
Turmoil UNREST
Zero NIL
__ to (before) PRIOR