L.A. Times Daily - Aug 28 2014

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Clues Answers
"Don't throw bouquets __": song lyric ATME
"Hell __ no fury ..." HATH
"Star Wars" role LUKE
"__ Mine": Beatles song IME
Anti-aircraft fire FLAK
Biblical prophet EZRA
Bon Ami competitor AJAX
Cambridgeshire cathedral town ELY
Cannes cleric ABBE
Characteristic TRAIT
Chef's meas TSP
Chimp cousin ORANG
Count ending ESS
Covert maritime org ONI
Destroy RAZE
Drink after a day on the slopes COCOA
Ended a fast ATE
Enforcement org. since 1908 THEFBI
Family __ TREE
Feature of LBJ speeches DRAWL
Fictional estate near Atlanta TARA
First Brazilian airline VARIG
First name in suburban humor ERMA
Fix again, as a hem RESEW
Frigg's husband ODIN
Good __ ASNEW
Group scuffle MELEE
Hail to Caesar AVE
Hall of Fame golfer Middlecoff who had a DDS degree CARY
Headed for an isle, maybe ASEA
Immature salamanders EFTS
Isolated APART
Justice Fortas ABE
Kitchen gadget OPENER
Like a good alternative VIABLE
Low card TREY
Metallica drummer Ulrich LARS
Clues Answers
NBA nickname SHAQ
Nemo's creator VERNE
Not kosher TREF
Not so tough TAME
Notable Cuban bandleader, familiarly DESI
One who may signal to a bullpen: Abbr MGR
Oodles ALOT
Oscar de la __ RENTA
Peacock tail spots EYES
Pinochle combination MELD
Powder in the nursery TALC
Rabbit home WARREN
Related AKIN
Self-defense method JUDO
Setting for "The Quiet Man" EIRE
Shooting equipment CAMERAS
Small-screen princess XENA
Some final exams ORALS
Sony products TVS
Spender of rials OMANI
Spleen IRE
Start of a classic Christmas poem TWAS
Stink REEK
Supernatural lamp occupants GENII
Swamp grass SEDGE
Terra __ COTTA
Time and again, to a poet OFT
Tough HARD
Utah's __ Mountains UINTA
Very eager RARING
War zone correspondents EMBEDS
Word with spin or wind TAIL