Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 3 2014

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'-- a living' ITS
'-- ToK' (Kesha hit) TIK
'-- won't!' NOI
'... Mac -- PC?' ORA
'Am not!' rejoinder ARESO
'Friday the 13th' villain JASON
'How funny!' HAHA
'I knew it!' HAH
'It's finally clear to me' ISEENOW
'The Mind of --' (PBS cooking series) ACHEF
'The Streak' singer Ray STEVENS
-- -bah POO
-- -fi film SCI
-- -rock (music style) ALT
-- Sous-le-Vent (the Leewards) ILES
100% wrong ALLWET
11th-cen. king of Norway STOLAF
84-Down's counterpart GUY
Absence of restriction NOLIMIT
Accident MISHAP
Adds vocals to, maybe OVERDUBS
Affirm SWEAR
Allure rival ELLE
Almost there CLOSE
Arial is one FONT
Arthur of old TV BEA
Attacked like a lion POUNCED
Aussie bird EMU
Axon's place NEURON
Baby kangaroo living on a Pacific island nation? PALAUJOEY
Bishops' hats MITERS
Black, in Bordeaux NOIRE
Blender brand OSTER
Blvd. or rd RTE
Bonged RANG
Boyfriend who's always upbeat? BEAUOFGOODCHEER
British poet as a young badge earner? CUBSCOUTAUDEN
Cake tier LAYER
Chicago airport OHARE
City in Iowa AMES
Cold War-era state: Abbr SSR
College life ACADEME
Company IDs LOGOS
Con's vote NAY
Convertible carriage used to transport popes? THEHOLYLANDAU
Corp. leader CEO
Cosmo, O and GQ MAGS
Creator of the Lorax DRSEUSS
Crude home HUT
Denigrates DEMEANS
Diner hirees COOKS
Driving exam taker, often TEEN
Dunce DOPE
Dwindle EBB
Eschew SHUN
Estimate GAUGE
Exit opposite ENTER
Fabled flier ROC
Fen plant SEDGE
Ferret's kin OTTER
Final profit NETGAIN
Fit to print, after revisions EDITABLE
Former liberal, briefly NEOCON
Give support AID
Go-kart, say RACER
Grab a chair SIT
Greasy OILY
Greek Cupid EROS
Greek letter RHO
Clues Answers
Groundwork BASE
Handed out playing cards DEALT
Hebrew letters after alephs BETHS
In boots, e.g SHOD
Interim ruling group JUNTA
Italicize, e.g STRESS
Item in a nest EGG
Jay replaced by Jimmy Fallon LENO
Krispy Kreme inventory DONUTS
Large couch SOFA
Late-night host Meyers SETH
Lead-in to 'while' ERST
Leaf-cutting little colonist ANT
Lend -- (assist) AHAND
Limited release? PAROLE
Many 'Olé!' recipients TOREROS
Many a flower girl NIECE
Min. fraction SEC
Missy GAL
Most darling CUTEST
Mu -- shrimp SHU
Neoprene produced at an Alabama university? AUBURNRUBBER
Nickname for a really strong novelist? THEMIGHTYAUTHOR
Not falling for ONTO
Nudge POKE
One of Kirk's lieutenants UHURA
One-eighty UTURN
Opinions offered INPUT
Ovine calls BAAS
Pa Clampett of TV JED
Parade place: Abbr AVE
Pay to live at RENT
Pilot planes AVIATE
Pork-filled pastry, e.g MEATPIE
Port in Italy NAPLES
Potter's dirt SOIL
Prefix with 81-Across or 31-Down MIS
Prison parts CELLS
Private AOL exchanges IMS
Pungent yellow cheese ASIAGO
Put in cipher ENCRYPT
Rabbit head features BIGEARS
Ragamuffins WAIFS
Reindeer cousin ELK
Resembling ALA
Return to get H.G. Wells' title Dr.? GOBACKFORMOREAU
Road topper TAR
Roof border EAVE
Safari shelter TENT
Shred up REND
Singer Gene who should never be forgotten? AUTRYTOREMEMBER
Singular RARE
Sister record co. of Virgin EMI
Spiteful sort HATER
Springfield storekeeper APU
Stable feed HAY
Suffix in sugar names OSE
Suffix with fool ISH
The Carolinas, e.g., in Caen ETATS
Topped party appetizer CANAPE
Train base TRACKS
Tremolo's kin VIBRATO
Turkish title AGA
Very breezy summer month? AUGUSTOFWIND
What you used to be? THOU
Whitman or Disney WALT
Wilhelm's 'I' ICH
Wilhelm's 'the' DER
Wilhelm's 'the' DAS
Wings for women HAREMS
Working farm horses DOBBINS