USA Today - Sep 28 2005

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''J'accuse'' author Emile ZOLA
''Star Wars'' weapon LASER
''The Old Maid'' playwright Akins ZOE
Aggregate TOTAL
Amonasro's daughter AIDA
Anatomical pockets SACS
Atomic number 30 ZINC
Baited a state trooper SPED
Battle lineup ARRAY
Big bang cause? TNT
Bobbin holders SPINDLES
Business deg. MBA
Buy alternative LEASE
Carbon compound ENOL
Casino opening? SLOT
Common dice roll SEVEN
Corduroy rib WALE
Cornrows alternative AFRO
Depend RELY
Distressing letters SOS
dot dot dot ELLIPSIS
Emulate Perry White EDIT
Erstwhile ONCE
Fermented libation BEER
Flat tableland MESA
Fragments BITS
Gentleman callers BEAUX
Graffiti, abandoned buildings, etc. EYESORES
Great position to be in POLE
Gripping tools PLIERS
Have a premonition SENSE
Humidifier output VAPOR
In vitro items, perhaps OVA
Isolated ALONE
It may need a boost EGO
It's high time NOON
Madcap ZANY
Major broadcaster CBS
Clues Answers
Midwest hub OHARE
More than exhale BLOW
Natural emollient ALOE
Nos. on checks AMTS
Observatory sights STARS
Oil source OLIVE
Old Italian money LIRA
Pay the initiation fee JOIN
Per ___ (daily rate) DIEM
Picture within another INSET
Places for some ashes URNS
Portend BODE
Primary MAIN
Prognosticators SEERS
Proper mate PRIM
Reason for a clothespin, in comics ODOR
Religious adherent VOTARY
Relinquish CEDE
Remained unused SAT
Restraints, as on spending LIDS
Ripped TORE
Sell illegally, as a ticket SCALP
Sign of age? RING
Slender gull TERN
Small combo TRIO
Snack that may be twisted apart OREO
Sports venue ARENA
Steep in brine SOUSE
Street sign STOP
Suffused BATHED
Talisman AMULET
Tampa-to-Orlando dir. ENE
Three selfless things PITYSERVICEMADE
Two selfless things INFLICTEDESTEEM
Two selfless things CENTEREDCONTROL
Week or rear follower ENDER
Word often shouted downtown TAXI
World-weary JADED
Wrestler's pin cushion? MAT