New York Times - Aug 9 1998

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Clues Answers
''Tis ___ bagatelle!' AMERE
'From Bed to Worse' writer ROBERTBENCHLEY
'I wish you a meretricious and a happy New Year' penner FRANKLINPADAMS
'No ___!' (slangy O.K.) PROB
'Papillon' star MCQUEEN
'What ___ the odds?' ARE
'___ on $45 a Day' EUROPE
0 degrees EQUATOR
1930's-40's director Zoltan ___ KORDA
1966 movie that won Best Original Score BORNFREE
52-Down rival DUKE
A reduced state LESS
Abstractions IDEAS
Actress Massen of 'Tokyo Rose' OSA
Alphabetic sequence RST
Anxious ONEDGE
Back talk GUFF
Bean NOB
Binary ___ CODE
Brand of daminozide ALAR
Buenos ___ AIRES
Bun, for one HAIRDO
Buntlines, e.g. ROPES
Camp locale LAKE
Casualty of 1997 DIANA
Center or end LINEMAN
Certain sweaters ANGORAS
Chanel fragrance EGOISTE
Chem. or biol. SCI
Collect REAP
Collection of legends EDDA
Comedian Smirnoff YAKOV
Confute REBUT
Dealer's nemesis NARC
Dean Smith's sch. UNC
Done, in Verdun FINI
East wind, in Greek myth EURUS
Eastern pooh-bah AGHA
Editor who 'looked like a dishonest Abe Lincoln' HAROLDROSS
Fashion inits. YSL
French flier OISEAU
Games grp. IOC
Glandular fever, for short MONO
Goes back to the start REWINDS
Gorgeous Georgian? PEACH
Gov. Landon ALF
Grant giver, for short NEA
Green, maybe UNRIPE
Guitar sound THRUM
Handlebar feature GRIP.
Handlebar feature GRIP
Hardly used LIKENEW
Hosp. test EKG
Hot dog garnish CHILI
In the majority? GROWN
Island in French Polynesia REAO
Island southeast of Borneo LAUT
It's a gas NEON
J.F.K. or F.D.R. DEM
Japanese portal TORII
Junglelike WILD
Kind of condor ANDEAN
Kind of suit ZOOT
Launch of July 1962 TELSTAR
Leaking ADRIP
Leisure EASE
Clues Answers
Like some diets NOSALT
Loose overcoat RAGLAN
Made for a mortise TENONED
Matador's opponent TORO
Medea rode on it ARGO
Mom-and-pop grp. PTA
More eccentric KOOKIER
Munich's river ISAR
Name as a price ASK
Neck band? MANE
Nocturnal noisemaker HOOTOWL
Novel by 47-Down SOBIG
Nursery rhyme residence SHOE
One facing life, maybe FELON
One of the Allies of W.W. II USSR
Park toy FRISBEE
Patches again REMENDS
Pigtail TRESS
Plaza abbr. SQR
Prairielike UNWOODED
Pulitzer-winning biographer Leon EDEL
Rattles, for 1-Across ANAGRAM
Reversion ATAVISM
Rock layer SHELF
San ___ REMO
Sanford of 'The Jeffersons' ISABEL
Schools for engrs. INSTS
Scrabble draw TILE
Secondary result SEQUELA
See 54-Across DNUORNI
See 54-Across AELBATD
See 54-Across LGONQUI
She replied to Noël Coward's 'You look almost like a man!' with 'And so do you' EDNAFERBER
She said 'You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think' DOROTHYPARKER
Sherlock's lady friend IRENE
Site of Vance Air Force Base ENID
Sleep phenomena REMS
Smart HURT
Snake ___ EEL
Snick-or-___ SNEE
So out it's in RETRO
Subatomic particle PION
Summoned, as a butler RANGFOR
Sundial letters XII
Taras Bulba, notably COSSACK
The 'E' in E. L. Doctorow EDGAR
They may be vital ORGANS
Thoroughly confine SEALUP
Treater's words ITSONME
Turn left HAW
Universités ECOLES
Upriver spawner SMELT
Utah city OREM
Waters AQUAS
Where the smart set sat [answer to be entered in the appropriate manner] ATTHEAL
Whom 'I Like' IKE
Wife of Esau ADAH
Winner of a noted 1978 Supreme Court case BAKKE
With 87-Down, Wit's End resident called 'Old Vitriol and Violets' ALEXANDER
Word before 'loves me' and 'loves me not' SHE
Writer who said 'Satire is what closes Saturday night' GEORGEKAUFMAN
Zaps, in a way NUKES
___ Mounds (Illinois historical site) CAHOKIA
___-American AFRO