- Jul 11 2014

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
$1000 device, circa 1988 FAX
''Hot'' food TAMALE
''Valley Isle'' of the Pacific MAUI
A matter of time AGE
At a higher level UPSTAIRS
Author who inspired Verne POE
Be awesome, so to speak RULE
Be squirmy FIDGET
Ben Stiller's mom MEARA
Bring up RAISE
Brunch selection CREPE
Brussels-based grp NATO
Caused great damage WREAKEDHAVOC
Cousin of aqua TEAL
Dazzles AWES
Diamond setting BALLPARK
Do badly FLUNK
Element of change COIN
Encourage FOSTER
Eyeball OGLE
Failing that ELSE
Fault caller UMPIRE
Federal org. with a flower in its logo EPA
Folks, in current slang PEEPS
Free-for-all FRACAS
Glorify EXALT
Going nowhere fast INARUT
Grand property ESTATE
Grappling sport SUMO
Great quantity OCEAN
Hanoi holiday TET
High-hatter SNOB
Highland Games garb KILT
Hockey position WING
Indexing abbr ETAL
Inflame RILE
It may run on a plastic track TOYCAR
Clues Answers
Kitchen accessory MITT
Large land mammal ELK
Lays out SPENDS
Make airtight, maybe SEALUP
Metaphor for fading EMBERS
Motor treatment letters STP
Mozart genre OPERA
One with a large Wookieepedia entry LEIA
Part of a fingerprint kit INK
Part of some film scores BACKGROUNDMUSIC
Passel SLEW
Player home in the Superdome SAINT
Plenty OFTEN
Polished SMOOTH
Prayer wheel user LAMA
Reddish-brown RUSSET
Removes one's name from an online photo DETAGS
Resort near Arapaho National Forest VAIL
Reunion invitee ALUM
Reunion invitee AUNT
See suddenly SPY
Shakespearean false friend IAGO
Sherif Ali in ''Lawrence of Arabia'' OMAR
Society with a Brain Test app MENSA
Some Shakespearean costumes TOGAS
Start to work on TACKLE
Swaddle ENWRAP
Throw things at PELT
Tireless racer SLED
Trouble terribly EATAT
Ultimate result NET
Venerable reference work WORLDALMANAC
Vetoed NIXED
What not to call Bryn Mawr COED
Wheel support AXLE
Word before code or suit DRESS