Wall Street Journal - Jun 6 2014 - June 6, 2014 - A Little R&R

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Clues Answers
'...___ saw Elba' EREI
'Argo' org CIA
'Bless you' preceder ACHOO
'Dead Souls' author GOGOL
'Doggone it!' DARN
'Doggone it!' DRAT
'Doggone it!' NUTS
'Double Fantasy' collaborator ONO
'So long!' SEEYA
'Take a Chance on Me' band ABBA
'___ an' Slats' (Al Capp comic strip) ABBIE
1894 work set in Egypt THAIS
32-Across, e.g OPERA
A real fan of INTO
Aardvark's lunch ANTS
Agreement between Charlotte Bronte and her publisher? EYRECONTRACT
Alan with six Emmys ALDA
Albert or George LAKE
Altar exchange IDOS
Amazon Fire TV spokesman BUSEY
Annoy the sitter ACTUP
Ariel's friend Sebastian, e.g CRAB
Barrel measure BORE
Baseball card abbr RBI
Beefy breed ANGUS
Better balanced SANER
Blue blood vessel? YACHT
Break bread DINE
Bridget Riley creations OPART
Britney Spears song '___ Slave 4 U' IMA
Can opener? BAIL
Capital on the Chao Phraya River BANGKOK
Capital on the Red River HANOI
Carpenter of note KAREN
Cause of a divorce, at times AFFAIR
Collins base GIN
Crane constructions NESTS
Curling and hockey? RINKSPORTS
Cutting staff? BARBERS
Does a summer job? ADDS
Dominican, e.g FRIAR
Early learning ABCS
Economy, e.g CLASS
Email option REPLY
End of many co. names INC
Entrance requirements? CUES
Fattened fowl CAPON
Feature of coins but not cents HARDC
Filled in UPDATED
Film role for John Cho SULU
Free RID
Galvanize ROUSE
Go all out POURITON
Go piece STONE
Grammy's 1984 Record of the Year BEATIT
Grandson of Adam and Eve ENOS
Hag in Valhalla? NORSECRONE
Hayloft unit BALE
Highway pileup that's attractively arranged? PRETTYCRASH
Historic events FIRSTS
Hostile attempts to acquire competing products? BRANDRAIDS
Humble ABASE
Ice-cube-in-a-glass sound CLINK
Indication of things to come OMEN
Inhospitable, in a way ARID
Clues Answers
IRS check: Abbr AUD
It's heard on the street HORN
JFK's predecessor DDE
Joust protection ARMOR
Julia Louis-Dreyfus series VEEP
Junker feature DENT
Keypad key ENTER
Koch's predecessor BEAME
Languish DROOP
Like some life class models BARE
Lipizzaner in the larder? PANTRYHORSE
Long pass BOMB
Lover of beauty AESTHETE
Low pair THREES
Madras masters SAHIBS
March in a Saul Bellow book AUGIE
Markers CHITS
Mascot of the Houston Texans TORO
Member of a select crowd? VOTER
Metal sources ORES
Monument to a meathead? MORONSHRINE
Mr. ___ (Coke's answer to Dr Pepper) PIBB
Muscle firmness TONE
Newsreels about bird-callers? CHIRPSHORTS
Not traveling the galaxies ONEARTH
Nuisance PEST
Overtax STRAIN
Palm part FROND
Party party HOST
Paul or Alexander SENATOR
Penny whistle material TIN
Pining, perhaps LOVELORN
Places for pledges FRATS
Places to put in COVES
Pres. Cristina Kirchner's nation ARG
Puff piece puffery PRAISE
Put up ERECT
Reincarnation influencer KARMA
Ring combo ONETWO
River's end MOUTH
Road with a no RTE
Security program in a 1982 movie TRON
Seriously impressed INAWE
Shirker's excuse COPOUT
Sickeningly sweet CUTESYPOO
Singer Blacc ALOE
Smell awful REEK
Soup supplement SALTINES
Spelling group COVEN
Star called 'the heart of the scorpion' ANTARES
Stream that's part of the set for a madcap play? FARCEBROOK
Strike a la Samson SMITE
Stud fees? ANTES
Subject to downsizing CAN
Suitable for a bariatrics study OBESE
Swill swallower PIG
Take off BOLT
The fifth element BORON
Tiny sap sucker APHID
Tissue masses NODES
Tony winner Alfred LUNT
Tool used by a mason to fill in a fissure? BREACHTROWEL
Trimurti venerator HINDU
Tropicana Field team RAYS
Twill fabric CHINO
What are you looking at? CLUES
Wife of 14-Down MAMIE
Wolverine's cousin WEASEL
You might work on it DESK