New York Times - Sep 8 2005

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Clues Answers
'Woe ___!' ISME
'You had your chance' TOOLATE
1980's-90's TV drama LALAW
1983 flick '___ and the Cruisers' EDDIE
A Beatle bride ONO
A driver may sit on it HORN
A Mrs. Chaplin OONA
Advice on a fitness instructor's answering machine message? WAITFORTHETONE
Appliance figs. BTUS
Assuming, hypothetically IFEVER
Bandleader Skinnay ___ ENNIS
Biggest town on Norton Sound NOME
Bush and Kerry, collegiately ELIS
Canine pleas ARFS
Coal area SAAR
Come together JELL
Comic Philips EMO
Cosmetics maker ___ Laszlo ERNO
Duke, e.g.: Abbr. UNIV
Empty, as rooms UNLET
End of the old switch EROO
European tongue ERSE
Follower of cow, pig or horse EIEIO
Igneous rocks BASALTS
In ___ way ABAD
Instruction on a record executive's answering machine message? LEAVEYOURNUMBER
Irene of 'Fame' CARA
It held down the giant Enceladus, in myth ETNA
It's not much to show PAIR
Kind of personality ONAIR
Kind of question YESNO
Lacking meat, so to speak BONY
Lament on a washed-up celebrity's answering machine message? IMNOTINRIGHTNOW
Lawless role XENA
Links legend, informally ARNIE
Clues Answers
Long-necked animal LLAMA
Low-lying area VALE
Many a Nintendo player TEEN
Memo opener INRE
More chichi ARTIER
More than a scrap BATTLE
One-pointers: Abbr. FTS
Part of the Gulf Coast: Abbr. ALA
Pitcher Derek, 2004 Red Sox World Series hero LOWE
Polo of 'Meet the Fokkers' TERI
Pontius Pilate, e.g. ROMAN
Promise on a patient prosecutor's answering machine message? ILLTRYYOULATER
Put up with ENDURE
Rama V's land SIAM
Record-setting HUGE
Resort-goers JETSET
Rushed TORE
Saturn model ION
Set down ALIT
Show without acting REALITYTV
Sight at St. Peter's PIETA
Slump SAG
Smooth IRON
So far YET
Something I can't use, but you can ARE
Soviet Literature Nobelist Bunin IVAN
Start of a suit TORT
Tiny, informally ITSY
Titanic V.I.P. ASTOR
Together ASONE
Two-time loser to D.D.E. AES
Vet's old locale NAM