The Guardian - Quick crossword No 13,709 - Apr 17 2014

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Clues Answers
Carry (heavy loads) (informal) HUMP
Certified officially ACCREDITED
Clearly stated EXPLICIT
Courage DARING
Cruel act (anag) CLEARCUT
Fixed charges FEES
International humanitarian organisation REDCROSS
Moved quickly SPED
Murder (of many persons) MASSACRE
Murder (of one person) HOMICIDE
Necessity MUST
Clues Answers
Ornamental lighting fixture CHANDELIER
Plug (a gap) FILL
Recurrent throbbing headache MIGRAINE
Refinement in social graces FINISH
Solid figure having ten faces DECAHEDRON
Talent (anag) LATENT
Taunt JEER
Viral disease SHINGLES
Viral disease RABIES
Wardrobe utensil COATHANGER
Young elephant CALF