- Mar 23 2014

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Clues Answers
''Despicable Me'' girl AGNES
''I'll take that as __'' ANO
''Put a sock in it!'' HUSH
''Semper Fi'' grp USMC
''What a shame!'' ALAS
90 Across preceder AKA
A natural sci BIOL
A pushover EASY
A symbol of Australia KOALA
A third of ''tres'' UNO
Adjective for 113 Down LARGEST
Aladdin, for one WISHER
Amigo's emphatic assent SISI
Arctic assistant ELF
ATM input PIN
Banquet host EMCEE
Bar garnish LEMONPEEL
Bard's river AVON
Bear, to astronomers URSA
Beast in the weasel family OTTER
Beer variety LAGER
Big citrus fruits POMELOS
Bit of a laugh HAR
Bloke CHAP
Bonus feature EXTRA
Boston suburb LYNN
Bout ender TKO
Boxer's aide HANDLER
Brings up REARS
Brother of Lisa and Maggie BART
Captain Hook subordinate SMEE
Chooses PICKS
Chose, with ''for'' OPTED
Coffee-bar beverage LATTE
Comics canine ODIE
Consumed quickly ATEUP
Coveted racing spot POLEPOSITION
Crop measure BUSHEL
Debt memos IOUS
Den array, often REMOTES
Ecology agency EPA
Email him at PUTIN
Enticement LURE
Env. contents ENC
Evita's surname PERON
Exclamation of approval OOHLALA
Experts ACES
Expunge REMOVE
Facilitate, as a felony ABET
False witness LIAR
Figurine mineral ONYX
Fill with joy ELATE
Finger jab POKE
Fireplace by-product SOOT
Floor models DEMOS
Freezes over, as a port ICESIN
Girder material STEEL
GPS reading NNE
Gusto ZEST
Ham it up EMOTE
Hands-on-hips AKIMBO
Have as a customer SELLTO
High bond rating AAA
Horror-film stock character MUMMY
Hose-clamp fastener TBOLT
Hospital area, for short PREOP
Hunters' org NRA
Inky mess BLOT
It means ''atmosphere'' AER
Clues Answers
It's about 100 mi. from Buffalo ERIEPA
Itish pop singer ENYA
JVC alternative RCA
Large assembly THRONG
Lyricist's quest RHYME
Map blowups INSETS
Minor mistakes LAPSES
Minus LESS
Miss the mark ERR
Mom's boy SON
More bizarre EERIER
Move about ROAM
Nary a soul NONE
Ne'er-do-well BUM
Netting MESH
Nike rival AVIA
NL Central team STL
Nom de plume ALIAS
Nominee's affiliation POLITICALPARTY
Note next to F GFLAT
Obliterate ERASE
Obstruct STOP
October birthstone OPAL
Overly vivid LURID
Part of 132 Across EAST
Part of SSN SOC
Perch or pike PANFISH
Place to purchase pies PIZZAPARLOR
PlayStation rival WII
Poetic contraction TWAS
Pointy tower STEEPLE
Possible fruitcake ingredient GRAPES
Prefix for legal PARA
Prepares for battle ARMS
Presidential candidate of '92 PEROT
Press for URGE
Residence ABODE
Rodeo ride BRONC
Rubbed roughly ABRADED
Salty water OCEAN
Salty water SEAS
Sewing-machine inventor HOWE
Shoe piece SOLE
Siberia's setting ASIA
Signed off on OKD
Singer's uncommon skill PERFECTPITCH
Small bill ONE
Social connections INS
Subsides EBBS
Successfully invade OVERRUN
Suits to __ ATEE
Sweeping stories EPICS
Sweepstakes hopefuls ENTRANTS
Tablet downloads APPS
Telltale sign ODOR
Tiny bit IOTA
Tom Cruise ex NICOLE
Totaled RANTO
Towel material TERRY
Town-square structure GAZEBO
Traditional tea time FOURPM
Try to rip open TEARAT
Underhanded nature SLYNESS
Vacation destination SPA
Violinist Rieu ANDRE
Wharton title character FROME
Whoop-de-__ DOO
Yard-sale staples LPS
Yearn (for) ACHE
__ Mawr College BRYN