Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 10 2014

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Clues Answers
'Silence of the Lambs' role LECTER
-- -do-well NEER
Accomplishment FEAT
Actress -- Pinkett Smith JADA
Adjusted a piano TUNED
Afternoon parties TEAS
America's uncle SAM
Author Wiesel ELIE
Barn roof decoration VANE
Burn soother ALOE
Car style SEDAN
Carry on RANT
Carson predecessor PAAR
Chess piece PAWN
Crow's cry CAW
Deserve EARN
Dine EAT
Director Lee ANG
Diving duck EIDER
DNA, for instance EVIDENCE
Dover's st DEL
Easter (Sp.) PASCUA
English king, 1413-22 HENRYV
Existed WERE
Francis or Dahl ARLENE
Gabor or Mendes EVA
Genetic letters RNA
Immediately, in the ER STAT
Incite URGE
Clues Answers
Jacob's brother ESAU
Lingerie item BRA
Main force BRUNT
Marry WED
Mideast metropolis TELAVIV
Monitor picture ICON
Moray, e.g EEL
Not many FEW
Not prerecorded LIVE
One who's hard to pin down? WRESTLER
Paddock papa SIRE
PBS science show NOVA
Performance ACT
Poe's 'The -- Heart' TELLTALE
Remain STAY
Satellite launched in 1962 TELSTAR
Scoop holder CONE
Settled down ALIT
Sheltered ALEE
Slender SLIM
Supervisor OVERSEER
Tests the chemical strength TITRATES
Three- -- sloth TOED
Turf SOD
Unusual RARE
Verbalized shrug MEH
Wooden strip LATH
Write in the margins JOT