L.A. Times Daily - Dec 23 2013

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Clues Answers
"A Farewell to __" ARMS
"My Cousin Vinny" star Joe PESCI
*Certain palm tree extract COCONUTOIL
*Pasta-based first course NOODLESOUP
*Scoop for fruit MELONBALLER
*Single-minded auditor BEANCOUNTER
Approached bedtime LATENED
Army trainee CADET
Ballpark level TIER
Bank employee TELLER
Battleship letters USS
Bearded African beast GNU
Bedside light LAMP
Bishop's domain DIOCESE
Brand with a "Twist, Lick, Dunk" app OREO
Civic or Accord AUTO
Civic or Accord HONDA
Corporate VIP CEO
Currency of Japan YEN
Distribute in shares ALLOT
Do lunch, say EAT
Earlier than desired TOOSOON
Enters all at once PILESIN
Europe's highest active volcano ETNA
Finish END
Firstborn ELDEST
Former Boston Bruin Bobby ORR
French Revolution figure killed by Corday MARAT
Gen. Eisenhower's WWII command ETO
Given to back talk LIPPY
Govt. job-safety gp OSHA
Hand over CEDE
Holy images ICONS
Hopping mad SORE
Houston MLBer STRO
However, for short THO
Land measure ACRE
Liberal __ ARTS
Clues Answers
Like Christmas wrap and tree ornaments SEASONAL
Like ewes and rams OVINE
Like some bases and kisses STOLEN
Love lots ADORE
Many miles off AFAR
More pathetic, as excuses go LAMER
Musical triad CHORD
Noggin, and a hint to the starts of the answers to starred clues HEAD
Norwegian metropolis OSLO
Not together APART
Official behind a catcher UMP
Org. in many Tom Clancy novels CIA
Parade debris CONFETTI
Paris airport ORLY
Partners' legal entity: Abbr LLC
Photo taker, briefly CAM
Piano practice piece ETUDE
Place to swim POOL
Possesses OWNS
Post-OR place ICU
Pressure from the cops HEAT
Prizefight BOUT
Safe to consume EDIBLE
SeaWorld orca SHAMU
Serious grime FILTH
Slump in one's seat SLOUCH
Sport played on horseback POLO
Stay away from AVOID
Tehran's country IRAN
Texter's "until next time" TTYL
The "I" in IBM: Abbr INTL
Thought: Pref IDEO
Totally out there WEIRD
Tree juice SAP
U.S. 66, for one RTE
Very productive, as a writer PROLIFIC
Walks with difficulty PLODS
Wave of excitement THRILL
Wooden pins PEGS