Thomas Joseph - King Feature Syndicate - Dec 23 2013

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Clues Answers
'... -- saw Elba' EREI
'O come, let us -- Him' ADORE
-- instant INAN
Army bases: Abbr FTS
Christmas mo DEC
Christmas song CAROL
Christmas song NOEL
Christmas tree topper ANGEL
Clinic cost FEE
Commotion ADO
Con game SCAM
Doughnut feature HOLE
Emulate a bloodhound SNIFF
Entries for Santa CHIMNEYS
First-rate AONE
Full of energy ALIVE
Gallows sight NOOSE
Give off EMIT
Hockey's Gordie HOWE
Holiday lead-in EVE
Indicate assent NOD
Infamous emperor NERO
Irishman, e.g CELT
King, in France ROI
Clues Answers
Kuala Lumpur resident MALAYAN
Lennon's love ONO
Lifeboat need OAR
Not 'fer' AGIN
One of Santa's reindeer COMET
One of the Mamas CASS
Opera set in Egypt AIDA
Pearly Gates tender STPETER
Pencil part POINT
River of France LOIRE
Santa suit part CAP
Seventh day of Christmas gift SWANS
Slalom curves ESSES
Snowy wader EGRET
Sounds of suffering MOANS
Tabby and Spot PETS
Targeted, as with a mailing SENTTO
Tax agcy IRS
That lady SHE
They're hung at Christmastime STOCKINGS
They're hung at Christmastime ORNAMENTS
Toboggan SLED
Treat for Tabby CATNIP
Vacation spot ISLE
View over RESEE
Yard plus a bit METER