USA Today - Dec 8 2013

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
". . . a grin without a cat!" thinker ALICE
"Better get ___ on" AMOVE
"Hoosiers" shot LAYUP
"In memoriam" item OBIT
"Inferno" writer DANTE
"SNL" sketches BITS
"Super ___ Brothers" MARIO
"Who ___ to judge?" AMI
Accumulate AMASS
All over again ANEW
Alternatives to pumpernickels RYES
Apply fresh asphalt REPAVE
Beef on the hoof STEER
Beside oneself IRATE
Big desert of Asia GOBI
Big name in department stores SEARS
Blame bearer GOAT
Blue color NAVY
British P.M. after Churchill ATTLEE
Buffalo's waters ERIE
Cayuse controller REIN
Cochlear implant site EAR
Concert itinerary TOUR
Digits for counting beyond 10? TOES
Distressed cry YOWL
Dwindles EBBS
Eastern caregivers AMAHS
Eastern potentate EMIR
Entertainer's advocate AGENT
Extravagant show GALAPERFORMANCE
Eye part UVEA
Falcon-headed Egyptian god HORUS
Far from foolish WISE
Fertility clinic item OVUM
Flamboyant flair ELAN
For the missus HERS
Forever, it seems EONS
Clues Answers
Geometric calculation AREA
Has to have NEEDS
Hieroglyphics serpent ASP
Horned grazer GNU
Important military system MISSILEGUIDANCE
Inexact recipe amount DASH
It includes giggles GIRLISHLAUGHTER
Keynoter, e.g ORATOR
Kitchen hot spot OVEN
Literary bear MAMA
Lumberjack, at times SAWER
Manitoba native CREE
Mitchell plantation TARA
Montana mining city BUTTE
Neighbor of Chevy Chase BETHESDA
Opposite of a squeaker ROUT
Piece of information DATUM
Poi, essentially TARO
Pound unrelentingly PELT
Relatives of cities TOWNS
Rich cake TORTE
Room partner? BOARD
Shaver's bane NICK
Short-tailed lemur INDRI
Slaughter with a bat ENOS
South American nation PERU
Spoke Siamese? MEWED
Supermarket checkers do it SCAN
The ___ (Netherlands city) HAGUE
Turkish title of honor (Var.) AGHA
Very excited AGOG
Very slim margin HAIR
What destiny has in store FATE
Witty Brit Idle ERIC
Woman with a degree ALUMNA
Wonder Woman's weapon LASSO
Word with "tall" or "come to" ORDER
Worn out TIRED