USA Today - Aug 8 2005

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Clues Answers
". . . ___, whatever will be, will be" SERA
"American Idol" alum AIKEN
"Idylls of the King" woman ENID
"Terrible" age TWOS
"You've got yourself a deal!" DONE
"___ for the poor!" ALMS
"___ voyage!" BON
''Good grief!'' EGAD
''It's ___ pleasure'' AREAL
''Projective Verse'' poet Charles OLSON
''The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'' bird ALBATROSS
98, for one OLDS
Accessory for Mae West or Miss Piggy BOA
Allows to get away LOSES
Alluring dress feature SLIT
Altdorf's canton URI
Alter for the better AMEND
Analyzes a sentence PARSES
And try again . . . RUGBYSCORE
Asia's shrinking sea ARAL
Athenian meeting place STOA
Attended CAME
Author's negotiator AGENT
Battlefront supply AMMO
Be fervid BOIL
Beats and beats POUNDS
Bible book ACTS
Blissful spot EDEN
Bonanza discoveries ORES
Bud's bud LOU
Buenos ___ AIRES
Bulldogs' venue YALE
Burglar's swag LOOT
Bust supporters PEDESTALS
Bye, in Brittany ADIEU
Cape Town cash RAND
Card designation SUIT
Carrot's principal feeder TAPROOT
Cattail locale MARSH
Cause to expand DILATE
Cayuse catcher LARIAT
Certain woodwind player OBOIST
Certainly SURE
Check for quarters RENT
Cheddar cousin COLBY
Cognizant AWARE
Comedian Conway TIM
Convene MEET
Cuckoo DAFT
Current LATEST
Daily Planet reporter OLSEN
Diminish BATE
District attorney's delight OPENANDSHUTCASE
Doing a beat cop's job PAROLING
Dutch painter Jan STEEN
Fife player's percussion TABOR
Fine print, perhaps AGATE
Follower of Nepal ESE
Foot portion ARCH
Front for Pearl Harbor's Arizona USS
Funeral song DIRGE
Gillespie's style BEBOP
Grasshopper's fable counterpart ANT
Guggenheim display ART
Guy who's all thumbs OAF
Guy with a great fish story JONAH
Having to do with the kidneys RENAL
Heir to the Ponderosa ADAM
High and low phenomena TIDES
Home of Gerald O'Hara TARA
Hug givers ARMS
Icelandic literary work EDDA
Indigenous Canadian CREE
Individuals ONES
Clues Answers
Installs, as tile LAYS
It has plenty of brains HEAD
It may be put on ACT
It starts the season TIS
It takes the cake OVEN
It's served by a swineherd SLOP
Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi ITO
Legal reach, metaphorically LONGARMOFTHELAW
Lid irritation STYE
Like a theater in the park OPENAIR
Little bits TADS
Llama cousins ALPACAS
Make a faux pas ERR
Medieval weapon PIKE
Metallic fabrics LAMES
Michelangelo work PIETA
Middle East Gulf ADEN
Motion choice TABLE
Name that rings a bell? AVON
Not nodding off AWAKE
Not on the level ASKEW
Obsessed with INTO
Obstinate equines ASSES
One needing discipline BRAT
Open court hearing OYER
Outlawed pesticide DDT
Palindromic Indian bread NAAN
Pansophic WISE
Passion of a noted phantom OPERA
Paternally related AGNATE
Person who knows how to crack the whip TAMER
Phobia start? AGORA
Plant like a plantain ABACA
Pooch from Wales CORGI
Raccoon relative COATI
Red or Dead SEA
Resist with boldness DEFY
Roosevelt money DIME
Rye production site BAKEHOUSE
Safari country KENYA
Sans ice NEAT
School mo. OCT
Senatorial garb TOGAS
Senegalese port DAKAR
Skylit areas ATRIA
Small mouthlike aperture OSCULE
Small silvery fish SMELT
Smoothes, as the way EASES
Snorkel's canine OTTO
Spandau's final resident HESS
Sweet-sounding Horne LENA
Symptoms of otitis EARACHES
Terms of enlistment TOURS
Terrarium pets NEWTS
They may be even, ironically ODDS
Unedited RAW
Untoppable rating AONE
Verdon's vamp LOLA
Visibly awestruck AGAPE
War of 1812 treaty location GHENT
What ancient warships were built to do RAM
Where cargo rides HOLD
Whistle insert PEA
White-flowered shrubs OLEANDERS
Word with "health" or "intensive" CARE
Word with bar or binary CODE
Words with "precedent" SETA
Writer Kingsley or Martin AMIS
___ boy (apron-strings gripper) MAMAS
___ out a living (barely scrapes by) EKES