The Chronicle of Higher Education - Nov 1 2013

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Clues Answers
'Mangia!' EAT
'Yay, team!' RAH
1892 play by Brandon Thomas CHARLEYSAUNT
1900 novel by Theodore Dreiser SISTERCARRIE
1935 memoir by Clarence Day LIFEWITHFATHER
1951 novel by Daphne du Maurier MYCOUSINRACHEL
33 1/3 rpm records LPS
Alma mater of Bill and Hillary Clinton YALE
Amazement AWE
Annulment VOIDANCE
Author of 'The Cat Who ...' mysteries BRAUN
Biblical patriarch ISAAC
Borrow, in slang BUM
Bottled-water brand NAYA
Cat call MEOW
Cause of wheezing ASTHMA
Chem ___ LAB
Coffee holders URNS
Cohort of Cleese and Idle PALIN
Couple PAIR
Couple DUO
Cutter with a narrow blade BOWSAW
Digital-clock features, for short LCDS
Drives away SHOOS
Envelope closer SEAL
Fastened, in a way TACKED
First president to occupy the White House ADAMS
Fleecy pack animal LLAMA
Flow partner EBB
Foul-up GOOF
Full-house letters SRO
Gp. with Duke and Syracuse ACC
In the sky ALOFT
Its lowest possible grade is a B EGG
Jean-___ Godard LUC
Kay Thompson character ELOISE
Lets (up) EASES
Like some exercises ISOMETRIC
Clues Answers
Locale of much beachfront ISLE
Lotion-bottle abbr SPF
MTV cartoon set at Lawndale High School DARIA
Newcastle, for one ALE
Not a soul NOONE
One may be made from a tennis racket SNOWSHOE
Opposite extremes POLES
Pasta choice PENNE
Performer with a painted face MIME
Person who may be beside himself? CLONE
Petitions SUES
Prefix with particle ANTI
Publishing-house employee EDITOR
Ran under water RINSED
Rank above maj COL
RC, e.g COLA
Rotor in a motor CAM
Rouhani's nation IRAN
Scale abbr LBS
See 36 Across VANYA
Several Michelangelo works PIETAS
Sievelike quality LEAKINESS
Site of swinging doors, maybe SALOON
Skedaddles FLEES
Soften THAW
Soprano Jenny Lind, e.g SWEDE
Southern st ALA
Speak effusively GUSH
Sponsor of an annual New York parade MACYS
Took charge LED
Trailer PROMO
Waldorf-salad ingredient APPLE
War-zone danger, briefly IED
When takeoff is scheduled to occur: Abbr ETD
Whittle (down) PARE
With 38 Across, 1897 play by Anton Chekhov UNCLE
___ al pomodoro (Italian soup) PAPPA
___ Rabbit BRER