Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 19 2013

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Clues Answers
Actress Jessica ALBA
Actress Mendes EVA
Air-show stunt LOOP
Altar affirmative IDO
Antiquated OLD
Aspect FACET
Automobile CAR
Baby bottle attachment NIPPLE
Ballet leap JETE
Basin accessory EWER
Be shrewish HENPECK
Bullring bravo OLE
Cavort ROMP
Central INNER
Chantilly, for one LACE
Cheese choice AMERICAN
Citric cooler ADE
City of India AGRA
Cleo's slayer ASP
Combustible heap PYRE
Cradle locale, in song TREETOP
Crimson RED
Drunkard SOT
Earth's neighbor MARS
Exist ARE
Expel OUST
Expert ACE
Family KIN
Gambling game FARO
Gambling game KENO
Get bigger WAX
Clues Answers
Horrify APPALL
Individual ONE
Jagged rock CRAG
Japanese pond fish KOI
Jostle BUMP
Juneau resident ALASKAN
Last Bible book REVELATION
Money of Albania LEK
Neither mate NOR
Own, Biblically HAST
Perfect places EDENS
Plague POX
Prayer ending AMEN
Predicament JAM
Profits NETS
Prompt CUE
Relin-quish CEDE
Resell for a huge profit SCALP
Rowing need OAR
Shakespeare's river AVON
Slender LEAN
Streamlined SLEEK
Superman's adoptive parents KENTS
Therefore ERGO
Tosses in ADDS
Unexpected defeat UPSET
Use a phone CALL
Watchful one EYER
What they say about you REPUTATION
Wound souvenir SCAR