L.A. Times Daily - Aug 30 2013

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Betsy's Wedding" director ALDA
"I can't believe ..." ITSAWONDER
"This skull hath __ in the earth ...": Hamlet LAIN
"__ la Douce" IRMA
"__ these days ..." KIDS
Actress McClurg EDIE
Advice after an injury, perhaps SUE
Alfred E. Neuman expression GRIN
Ancient gathering place AGORA
Ancient Mesopotamian kingdom SUMER
Bed or bar attachment ROOM
Black-ink entry ASSET
Book between Micah and Habakkuk NAHUM
Bring down ABASE
Brought forth BEGAT
Buffing board EMERY
Catherine of "A Mighty Wind" OHARA
Cheer from Charo OLE
Chorus from adoring fans SIGHS
Commercial sign NEON
Comparative suffix IER
Conciliatory offering SOP
Discrimination TASTE
Discussion group PANEL
Dramatic device ASIDE
E'en if ALTHO
Eastern segment of the Louisiana Purchase IOWA
Fanfare ECLAT
Flat-bottomed boat DORY
Frankincense or myrrh RESIN
Gay Nineties, e.g ERA
Get up ROUSE
Hatch of Utah ORRIN
ID checker EGO
Inferno HELL
Knock the socks off AMAZE
Lights-out signal TAPS
Clues Answers
Mail at a castle ARMOR
Marshy wasteland MOOR
Mission attacked by Santa Anna ALAMO
Negative impression? DENT
Nighttime disorder APNEA
Nitrogen compound AMIDE
Pacific veranda LANAI
Put in a word or two? EDIT
Real end? IST
Red in the face ASHAMED
Response to an awkwardly timed call IMNOTALONE
Rub the wrong way IRK
Shoe site HOOF
Signal to a runner STEAL
Some slogans, and what 20-, 31- and 41-Across are? CATCHPHRASES
SSA IDs, e.g NOS
Subtle assent NOD
Sumatran ape ORANG
Targets of many searches DOTCOMS
Towers (over) LOOMS
Tribute in verse ODE
Unexpected pleasure TREAT
Unger player RANDALL
Unoriginal OLD
Use an updraft, say SOAR
Van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the __" RHONE
Whiff MISS
Win by __ AHAIR
Winner of a record 82 PGA tournaments SNEAD
Word of feigned innocence MOI
Word with flung or reaching FAR
__ passage NASAL