L.A. Times Daily - Aug 16 2013

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Clues Answers
"No hands!" lead-in LOOKMA
"__ House": CSNY hit OUR
1996 A.L. Rookie of the Year JETER
5-Down laughs HOS
Beer-flavoring compounds ESTERS
Bounce back ECHO
Chevy K5 Blazer, since 1995 TAHOE
Chiwere speaker OTOE
Coal-rich valley SAAR
Cross-shaped letters TAUS
Dead to the world OUT
Dome cover TOUPEE
Enthrall ENAMOR
Fixes the weatherproofing on, say RESEALS
Forever and a day EONS
Good-humored JOVIAL
Home of ConAgra Foods OMAHA
Hush-hush hookup TRYST
It's frowned upon NONO
Just as it should be TOAT
Kona cookout LUAU
Learns to cope with GETSUSEDTO
Least spoiled PUREST
Like some diamonds ONECARAT
List of slips ERRATA
Manitoba hrs CST
Marinara, e.g REDSAUCE
Misfortunes ILLS
Monopoly player? CARTEL
Moon of Jupiter EUROPA
Nat or Phil NLER
Clues Answers
Nursery sch PREK
Pac-12 school UCLA
Patterned cotton cloth CALICO
Perp's bracelets CUFFS
Pre-1991 atlas initials SSR
Preppy clothing brand IZOD
Push firmly RAM
Put up ERECT
Qatar's capital DOHA
Quito questionnaire catchall OTRO
Rabbits' tails SCUTS
Ragtime round dance TURKEYTROT
Reserved SHY
Saldana of recent "Star Trek" films ZOE
Schubert's unfinished "Symphony No. 8 __ Minor" INB
She played Ninotchka GRETA
Simba's love NALA
Slangy event suffix ORAMA
Some discount stores KMARTS
Squeal TELL
Swift-running bird EMU
Taberna snack TAPA
Teases relentlessly RAGSON
They hold the answers KEYS
Thomas who drew Santa NAST
Three-time Boston Marathon winner Pippig UTA
Tibia neighbors TARSI
Toss back into the hot oil REFRY
Tottering AREEL
Treads the boards? SURFS
Vicky in the Nixon White House POODLE
Window washer's concern SMEARS
Words said with an eagerly raised hand ASKME
__ Club GLEE
__ Palace CAESARS
__-et-Vilaine: French department ILLE