Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 7 2013

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Clues Answers
'Family Guy' daughter MEG
'The House of the Seven --' GABLES
-- tai (cocktail) MAI
401(k) alternative IRA
Alaskan bear KODIAK
Anger IRE
Arrived CAME
Authentic REAL
Back AGO
Ballroom favorite SAMBA
Birthday stat AGE
Caesar's poker deck? LII
Carpet style SHAG
Concludes ENDS
Donkey ASS
Doo follower DAH
Door-frame piece JAMB
Eggs OVA
Elbow, knee, et al JOINTS
Enthusiastic, plus AGOG
Food thickener AGAR
Foolish INANE
Golfer's do-over MULLIGAN
Hang in there ENDURE
Historic time ERA
Imogene of comedy lore COCA
Incursion RAID
Initial chip ANTE
Intend MEAN
Leading man? ADAM
Love affair AMOUR
Margarine OLEO
Clues Answers
Moon-related LUNAR
Old French coin SOU
Paycheck extra BONUS
Pealed RANG
Pigeon's comment COO
Pinnacle ACME
Pond organism ALGA
Put on a pedestal ADORE
Recognized KNEW
Roadie's burden, in part AMPS
Rotating part CAM
Scale member SOL
Shrek is one OGRE
Skeleton piece BONE
Sneaker brand KEDS
Soviet space station MIR
Spanish Surrealist MIRO
Speck MOTE
Start over REDO
State made of two peninsulas MICHIGAN
Swallow hard GULP
Sweater type CARDIGAN
Talk on and on GAB
Tempt LURE
The Bee -- GEES
Top-rated AONE
Urban pall SMOG
Valhalla VIP ODIN
Violinist's need BOW
Wall climber IVY
Workout venue GYM
Worm, often BAIT